Talents (or should I say lack of) contribute to SA?


Well-known member
I have found that a large part of the reason why I'm anxious in social situations is because I'm really not /good/ at anything. I'm bad at team sports, I mean I don't dislike them, they just scare the hell out of me cuz I'm bad at them, and it is a huge part of my worries - if people discover that, recently my friends have been trying to get me to join the basketball team (sa nightmare!!). But does anyone else think that being bad in a certain area (athletics, school, etc) contributes to their sa?


Well-known member
I'm the other way round with this, i find that im rubbish at anything because of SP
I found it hard to concentrate in school because the only thing that was on my mind was my next anxious moment / situation.

If the SP wasn't in my life id be willing to learn and i would be able to concentrate, same with ambitions

The SP seems to prevent me reaching my potential which is so sad

I think sport is the only thing i feel comfortable with and that im reasonably good at and confident with because i dont feel trapped
Anything to do with learning and remembering certain things im useless


Well-known member
I was the slowest runner in my class. :lol:

But team sports; I wasn't much good but I enjoyed the adrenaline of them. You don't have to be amazing at sports to appreciate them I think.


Well-known member
i always felt plain. like white bread, but i don't think this has anything to do with SA. i feel like i have no life and i'm sure everyone else thinks that about theirs regardless if they have SA or not but i still think it someway somehow.


Well-known member
Fortunately I have been pretty good at sports and I would have to say that it has been a help in my life over the years, but it hasn't had much to do with my SAD.

Re the team sports comment, I found that playing team sports was more good for my condition than bad. It - the sport - is a structured thing and made me feel reasonably relaxed because (unlike an individual sport) the focus is not on you, on the whole. Plus it makes you feel more "normal" to be a part of a group activity.


Well-known member
It's not that I don't appreciate sports, it's just sports in particular seem to set off SA for me. I don't know why it's so sport-oriented, it just is.

Thanks for your comments everyone, you bring up good points.