Taking the first step

Today, I finally told my parents how I have been feeling for the past two years. It all erupted because I was supposed to call some guy today to follow up with getting a job but I couldnt bring myself to do it. I had the phone and number in my hand but I just couldnt call him. I knew my parents would be upset that I hadnt followed through so I realized that they had to know the real reason why it was so hard. So I typed up a note explaining all of my problems, left it by the door of the house since they were out at the time, and wrote that they could call me when they had read it.

I left the house and walked around the neighborhood thinking that I was so stupid to leave that note but still resisting to go back and throw it out. Eventually, I got the call and my dad told me they had read the note and that I should come home and we could all chat about it. So, I went home and before I could even explain anything to them, I just burst out crying. They listened to me and supported me and they agreed with me that it would be good to see someone about the problem. My parents were so caring and considerate when I was so afraid they wouldnt be.

So, I still have this problem. But now my parents know about it and I dont have to bear it alone. I'm going to go talk to a special counsellor who can help me with my problems and my mother says she does cognitive behavior therapy which I figure I need. Anyhow, I just want to encourage those of you that continue to hide your problems from those you care about to open up to them about it. Sure, it was hard to do but after doing it, I felt so much lighter. The first step is the hardest but its a step that we have to take in order to get better. And, I definetly want to get better. And I'm sure you do too. Thanks for listening.


Well-known member
You have definitely done the right thing by telling them about your problem :D . I hope you get the right treatment, so good luck!

My parents kind of know of about my problems in a general way, eg they know about me blushing etc but they don't know of the social phobia condition. I probably should tell them...


Well-known member
Way to go, Masquerade

Masquerade23 said:
I left the house and walked around the neighborhood thinking that I was so stupid to leave that note but still resisting to go back and throw it out.

I felt like this too only I didn't leave a note, I sent an email - which is WAY more impersonal i think. I remember feeling so stupid about the fact that couldnt actually tell my parents outright, but i had a supportive reaction from my parents too so it made no difference in the end.
villacjs said:
You have definitely done the right thing by telling them about your problem :D . I hope you get the right treatment, so good luck!

My parents kind of know of about my problems in a general way, eg they know about me blushing etc but they don't know of the social phobia condition. I probably should tell them...

I think it would be a good idea to tell them. Once they know what you're going through, they can understand better. The fact that it took so long for me to tell them is something I regret. I suppose I feared that they wouldnt listen to me but it was the exact opposite. I formed an even stronger bond with my mother that day because I found out that she has had anxiety in the past too.
boro said:
Way to go, Masquerade

Masquerade23 said:
I left the house and walked around the neighborhood thinking that I was so stupid to leave that note but still resisting to go back and throw it out.

I felt like this too only I didn't leave a note, I sent an email - which is WAY more impersonal i think. I remember feeling so stupid about the fact that couldnt actually tell my parents outright, but i had a supportive reaction from my parents too so it made no difference in the end.

Yeah, I found it practically impossbile to tell them in person too. I knew I would just end up crying and wouldnt get the words out that I needed to say. But I'm glad that your parents were supportive as well. There were sometimes during my struggles when I thought that no one really cared, but now I have found that is not the case.