Taking responsibility...


Well-known member
... for just about everything in your life!

I find myself very much at peace these days because of it.

If you don't have friends, take responsibility for it! And if you feel anxious, even take responsibility for it! You might not ask for it, but you're the only one that can break the evil cycle by exposing yourself and getting out of your comfort zone. No one else can do that for you! I've never heard of success stories of people who stayed inside their houses.

Stop blaming your problems on other people, or even on SA. That's a really dumb thing to do, because YOU are the only one that can get yourself out of this cr*p. No one else is in command but you, and as you start to take responsibility, you'll realize that you are not a victim but that you are in control.

So, next time your soap slips through your hands, don't blame it on the soap for being slippery. Instead, blame it on yourself for not being careful enough. :p


Well-known member
If you have real poor social skills,then you are more likely to
get beat up than make friends if you "go out" and try something.
The only people that don't have friends are the odd ball
losers and no one will come near you so you cant get a chance
to grow socially.


Well-known member
If you have real poor social skills,then you are more likely to
get beat up than make friends if you "go out" and try something.
The only people that don't have friends are the odd ball
losers and no one will come near you so you cant get a chance
to grow socially.
What you say is true. But if you really feel socially impaired, then what about reading books about social dynamics, learn body language, etc? All of that can be learned