

New member
HI, I would be interested to know what people's social anxiety symptoms are. Does anyone else get red and sweaty or do you just feel nervous inside.


I don,t get red and sweaty, but I get stuck and fear everyone and start thinking I can,t communicate with anyone, I feel nobody can enter in my world.


Well-known member
Well i start with a bad feelin in my stomach, get hot and bothered. Nearer to the event I get the more i sweat and shiver. I cant eat food, and i am sick sometimes. Also i need the toilet more than usual :(

Bad negative thoughts and just generally want 2 escape/avoid wot ever it is thats causing my anxiety.


Active member
I blush occasionally but I don't think it's a major problem.

I have a dry mouth and lips all the time though which really bugs me. I drink gallons of water to try and make up for it.

One thing that's really annoying me lately.......You know the way your stomach turns and makes you feel ill when you're really, really nervous about something?............i wake up with that most mornings! I mean, what the the hell am I worrying about in my sleep?? :lol: That can't be normal :oops:


Well-known member
hey justsomebloke25, i get that (turning stomach from the time i wake up to when i go to bed) when my anxiety is up and when i'm slightly depressed but i don't need the depression. you deffinately have an anxiety problem!

don't stress! 8)


Active member
Chilling__Echo said:
hey justsomebloke25, i get that (turning stomach from the time i wake up to when i go to bed) 8)

I don't have it all day though. That's what's weird about it. It's just for the first 30 mins when I wake up! I always get like that when I'm nervous about something ("looking forward" to a party or something, for example), but for the last 6 months I wake up with it on weekdays when I have to go to work. But I'm totally used to work and actually enjoy it cos it's the only time I interract with people. So I don't actively worry about it but I must be panicking in my sleep about it, which is quite odd :lol:


Well-known member
First I just start to feel nervous, then I get really hot and I start to sweat. My mouth goes really dry and I find it hard to say anything, sometimes when I do say somthing I stutter. Now that I think about it I don't know if I blush or not, nobody has ever mentioned it though so I guess not.


Well-known member
Tseng said:
First I just start to feel nervous, then I get really hot and I start to sweat. My mouth goes really dry and I find it hard to say anything, sometimes when I do say somthing I stutter. Now that I think about it I don't know if I blush or not, nobody has ever mentioned it though so I guess not.

Yeah, you covered it up really well here. :wink:

The real thing that bothers me is that my mind goes blank and I can't find anything to say and that thought drives me crazy, and if I manage to get some words out it's a mess and often people tell me to repeat cause they don't understand what I said.

I think it's because my mouth gets so dry and sticky, and even if I drink a gallon of water before I still get that, you probablly know how it is to talk when you feel like you haven't drink anything for a day. Or is it because I my voice has low volume ? :roll: I dunno

Another annoying thing is that my vision blurs and it's like when you don't have your glasses on, btw I don't wear glasses but I guess this is the best explanation.

And there are the rest of the symptoms, like getting really hot like being in an oven, my face starts to burn and I start sweating like sh*t. Good thing I don't blush...much. My heart starts beating like 3 times a second and almost braking through my chest. My shoulders and neck become really tense and it's hard to coordonate my moves so I often trip or hit objects in my way.

To sum it all up, I get fu*ked up completley :evil:


Yes to all the above

I have just about the all the same feelings as you all . With Sweating and turning really red in the face , wanting to just get out of the situation - I tend to find the bathroom alot of times ! My head just sweats , and beads run down my face like a just finished working out .