Sweaty Back!


New member
I really seem to suffer with excessive sweating of my back; could this be hyperhidrosis? All the information I have reviewed talks of feet, hands, underarm and face sweating but not the back. I don't tend to sweat that bad from the underarms - but my back is pretty bad.

It is starting to cause me issues socially, especially at work. I always try to wear dark coloured shirts to avoid the wet showing through. Ironically as I become more bothered by people noticing, it becomes worse - catch 22!

I am going to book an appointment with my local GP as I have had enough, but would appreciate any thoughts or comments.

Brief recap
Excessive sweating of back and sometimes chest
Underarm sweating not as bad as back
I do not suffer from an odour issue
Use off the shelf deodorants - Simple roll on
Have a hard time adjusting to different temperatures (going indoors from outside is worst), takes me a long time to acclimatise.
I can sweat whatever the weather! Winter, summer etc
Bizarrely if I holiday abroad I do not seem to suffer - always put it down to a different type of heat!

Thanks in advance, feels better just to get it all off my chest!.



Well-known member
Welcome to the forum Paul! :)

I don't have excess sweating to the same degree as you, but it certainly can be an issue for me. For example, I've developed a bit of a complex about having a haircut. I dislike getting up from the chair at the end because my back always 'suffocates' while my hair is being cut. This is to such a degree, that the lower back of my t-shirt is usually covered in sweat marks, hence like you, I always wear dark colours.

The only thing I can think of is Driclor. It's very effective in combating my underarm sweating. Also, best of luck with the GP's appointment- I'm sure they should be able to help you find a solution.


New member
thanks for the reply. I am going to start using driclor from tonight and see if this helps; if not then I will definitely book an appointment with my GP. Any ideas how long I should give it to work? Botlle says 1 to 2 weeks, does this seem reasonable?

I start a new job in just under 4 weeks - thats what really pushed me into doing something. Would be great if I could see results before then. I will post any updates anyway.

Thanks again



Well-known member
Hi Paul

For the first week or so, I think you need to apply it every night until your sweating during the day stops. After that, you only need to apply it once or twice a week. I use it for my underarms and back. Also occasionally around my forehead (although I don't think it's designed to be used on the head).

As the instructions say, you need to use Driclor sparingly. I made the mistake of applying it liberally once 8O, and boy did it irritate my skin. Good luck with your new job- you should definitely start to get results well before 4 weeks.