Sweat transfer, compensatory sweating


New member
I suffer mainly from armpit, foot, groin and (if hot or under stress) head/face sweating. I discovered Driclor around 4 years ago and it literally changed my life...suddenly the dripping from under my arms was gone, it made me much more confident and better at my job and life in general.
The foot sweating I can cope with no problem...just have to plan ahead for situations where you have to potentially take your shoes off in public; airports, shoe shops etc, and keep your shoes as fresh as possible.
Face and head can be problematic. A lot of you here are familiar with the horror of having nowhere to hide when you feel the trickle down your forehead and the vicious cycle begins. I've bought SweatStop lotion and will apply before I have to give presentations, interviews etc and see if it works.
I'm coping with the groin sweats, but it is restrictive. I can't wear any light coloured fabrics, I'm limited to dark jeans and black formal suit trousers. I avoid sitting on dark plastic chairs, but sometimes unavoidable due to my job.
Which leads me in a long winded way to my question! If I decide to try and tackle my groin sweating, will this result in compensatory sweating elsewhere? For example could my back suddenly start sweating uncontrollably? Or my thighs? How does the body work, is there a fixed amount of sweat that needs to be released no matter what....any experience welcomed...