Supplemental Security Income


Supplemental Security Income (SSI) offers money to live for those of us who have been rendered disabled by social phobia. It's a lot like being on Social Security Disability, but it's for those who haven't worked enough to be qualified for social security benefits (I'm only 19). I know what you're thinking, "I'm not going to allow myself to admit defeat to social phobia. I would rather have no money at all." Well, this is what I thought too, until I actually sat down and wrapped my mind around the situation.

You see, about 5 months ago my CBT therapist told me about this program and she talked to my psychiatrist about it and they both believed that I would be eligible for the benefits. Therefore, I went to the county social security office and got the forms for my doctor and I to fill out. We got them all filled out, explaining my social phobia with agoraphobia as well as we could, and then we were to wait 3-4 months for a decision (we could either be approved or denied, in which case we would have to appeal the decision and get a judge's decision). Thankfully, 4 months later I was notified that I had been approved and that I would receive $623 for each of the last 4 months plus $623 a month for as long as I am out of work. I know this isn't all that much money, but hey, its much better than nothing. I'm also planning to be working in medical transcription within a year so its not like I'm going to be living on government money for the rest of my life.

I'm now looking forward to receiving that first big check in my bank account. If you are disabled with SP and cannot work because of it then you should really think about Supplemental Security Income. Don't let your SP hold you from going to the meetings because the money could change your life. Think about what you could do with the money to make your life better. I'm sure each and every one of us here at SPWorld could use this money that's being offered to us by the government.



Well-known member
My sister just moved into an apartment, shes still going to school for her GED and they refused her of this. They said they couldn't find any "medical proof" which is complete bullshit because she used to see a shrink on a regular basis and she is now perscribed to paxil. She has no where to go now and i guess she is hoping they will come through for her before its time for her to pay rent.


I live with my parents too.

It sounds like your sister may not have had her doctor fill out the necessary paperwork. That, and the statement that I wrote about my illness was all the medical proof I needed. Is your sister going through the appeal process? My advice on this (even though I didn't have to appeal) is to get a lawyer who specializes in disability cases. That way she can be sure she has all of her bases covered before the decision is made. Let me know how things work out.
