Supernatural experiences


Well-known member
I know some people don't believe in it but i just thought i'd ask whether anyone here has had any supernatural experiences before ?

BTW sorry if a thread like this has been done before.


Well-known member
I've experienced stuff I can't explain, but I'm a firm believer that it all had a natural explanation though.

I dabbled in some spirit channeling and occultism when I was younger. Strange stuff happened a couple of times. I remember one time when we were trying to channel the spirits using a regular kitchen glass as a receptacle. We were all holding one finger on the glass and moving it around a Ouija board when all of a sudden the glass exploded into a thousand tiny shards. Luckily no one got hurt but it freaked the crap out of us.

Another time when me and a friend was trying to contact the spirits using a candle, the flame suddenly separated from the candle and started to hover a foot above the candle and changing colors. I put my hand between the candle and the flame but it was cold. The flame rose until it almost reached the ceiling and then slowly descended back top the candle before it snuffed out. My theory is that the gasses from the empty beer bottle we used as a candlestick somehow ignited, but I really don't know. Me and my friend didn't tell anyone for years in fear of being ridiculed.

The last episode was also the freakiest. We were trying to cast a black magic spell from a book bought at some new age shop. The spell was suppossed to summon the devil. We had to sacrifice some blood into a brass bowl and put some herb in there while chanting some gibberish. When the ritual was done we were suppossed to hear three knocks on the door and we shouldn't open because the devil would be outside. So we cast the spell and everything and when we were finished there was a slight pause before suddenly there was three knocks on the door. Not being very superstitious I went to open while the other screamed and told me not to. But I did it anyway, and it turned out that it was only my dad who had come to ask me if I wanted to go to the store for him. I have a suspicion he may have heard about what we were up to because otherwise it would be (pardon the pun) hell of a coincidence.