Summertime loneliness...


This is me first topic ...well done me! thank u thank u :lol: okay so basically I want to bring up the subject of what its like during summer holidays for SA sufferers when schools out and everyone has their vacations, gigs and all that stuff planned...I used to do lotsa things in summer..mainly travelling with my dad. And I would usually go get a job and work 4 the summer...but this year 4 the first time I stayed in the house for months while everyone I knew from school was out and goin ta gigs and festivals and havin the time of ther life...I tried gettin a job..and i managed ta get n interview but that woz a complete fekkin disaster! :( i barely said anythin during it and he even commented on how quiet i was....i didn get the job :( i spent the whole summer cooped up in the house living on the internet... :roll: i felt soo pathetic and depressed... gaawd i dont really know why im even writing this stupid topic lol...ther shud be blogs on here 8O basically the moral of the story is....i had a sh!t summer :D thanks 4 reading :lol: glad i got that off me chest :roll:


Well-known member
Sorry to hear this summer wasn't all you hoped it would be.

Why not use the time between now and next summer to make a few positive life changes? Making Summer 2009 the best summer ever could be your new incentive...and even if it's only half as good as that, it's got to be an improvement on this year, hasn't it? :D


Im with the guy underneath me. Just start doing what you normally been doing before the summer. Stick to it. Start making plans on what you want to do for the next summer.