I could use some advice on how to deal with a teenage friend who I believe suffers from Social Phobia. I met him several months ago when I joined a sport team that he is on. He is very quiet and I heard that he was seriously shy. Over a few months time, other kids on the team commented that I seems to be one of the few people who "could get him to talk". Eventually he asked me out on a date. To make a long story short over a few months we continued to develop our friendship which was platonic. Although we never discussed, it we both seemed comfortable with that. We had several fun dates and did a fair amount of communicating by email, text message and phone calls. On valentines day he gave me a nice gift it was very sweet and I was touched by the gesture. The last date was really great, we went to dinner and a concert. I had a great time and he followed up and said he did as well. The very next day, he started ignoring me and pretty much everyone else on the team. When I tried to speak with him, he gave me one word answers and this continued for weeks. He finally sent me a message saying that he didn't like that people were asking him about me, like when we were going out again, etc and that he just wanted to be friends. I thought that was odd, because we were just friends and people asked about us right from the's just teens talking. It has been about 6 weeks now, I see him most days because of the team practices and he continues to ignore me. It's very uncomfortable and embarrassing for me. Some of the other kids tried to encourage him to cut it out and even the coach tried to talk to him. He just says that everything is fine and that he just didn't like me "that way". I don't know how to handle it. I feel so rejected and feel he should apologize for the way he is treating someone who was always nice and supportive to him, but I feel bad for him at the same time and he still won't talk to me. The other kids say he just crawled back into his shell...etc. It's very sad. I don't think he has any idea that he may have social anxiety, but I can't imagine that he is very happy and I think he could use some help. What, if anything should I do?