Success Story!


Well-known member
Last Sunday, I had a picnic with my sisters, dad, dad's girlfriend, and dad's girlfriend's sons. I've met my dad's girlfriend once before, but it was my first time meeting her sons. They are all somewhat around my age, which scared me. I feel the most nervous around people who are in my age range because I feel like I want to be accepted by them more than anyone else.
Anyway, I was so surprised and proud of myself because I actually had a good time! I was quite comfortable in conversation. Not 100%, but enough to relax and have fun. I was outgoing and I think I talked more than one of my sisters, which NEVER happens. I'm always the one who is the most quiet.
My oldest sister even commented on how she was impressed that I was so outgoing. This was so out of character for me!

I want to recommend a hypnosis download from

It's called "Being Yourself Socially," and I've been listening to it before I go to sleep. I've been doing it for only seven days, but I'm going to continue until I have done 21 days. I truly believe that this hypnosis is the reason for the way I felt and acted during the picnic. I'm so excited to continue and see how much more I will progress!
The download is only around 13 dollars, and you can get a full refund within 90 days of purchase if you aren't happy with it. Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose.

It might be a little soon to say this, but I really think that this hypnosis thing could be the salvation I've been looking for.

P.S. After re-reading this, it totally sounds like I'm being paid to say this. Hahaha. But I'm really not. I'm just excited about my progress and I want to share a good resource with you. It might help some of you out too. :)


Well-known member
OH I forgot to say one more thing.

I have been funnier than usual too! Haha. People have actually been laughing at little jokes and things that I say. Sometimes I'm even surprised by the clever things that will come out of my mouth these days! Hehe.
The hypnosis download talks about how you can naturally be funny as well. I wasn't concerned with being funny. I don't really care about that. But it is a great benefit that I have noticed!


Well-known member
iamalone said:
There is no cure. There won't be any.

We are disable people.

If you think like that, then you are right. I have better things planned for myself...good luck.


iamalone stop trying to drag people down with you. well done mate kyhtreen, keep doing what ya doing :) hypnosis is very good at things like this because because it tackles the issues that ur not consciencly aware off. you could try meditation as well to help your relaxation.


Well-known member
That's great, kuhtreen :!: It's nice to see a positive post in here :D
I've been feeling better lately too.
I used to be severely depressed, but now people ask me why I'm smiling all the time ;P.
Today I made a really embarrassing mistake, but I laughed it off, and learned from it.

I haven't tried hypnosis, so I can't comment on that, but I don't think I'd PAY to download something from the internet. 8O
My own progress is a result of dedication and commitment to improving myself.
There are probably many ways to beat social phobia, but the one thing they have in common is yourself :p.

kuhtreen said:
iamalone said:
There is no cure. There won't be any.

We are disable people.

If you think like that, then you are right. I have better things planned for myself...good luck.

That's the spirit, and the key to success. YOU are in control of your life. If you want something, work towards it, and claim it as a reward. :)


Well-known member
Carstuar said:
That's great, kuhtreen :!: It's nice to see a positive post in here :D
I've been feeling better lately too.
I used to be severely depressed, but now people ask me why I'm smiling all the time ;P.
Today I made a really embarrassing mistake, but I laughed it off, and learned from it.

I haven't tried hypnosis, so I can't comment on that, but I don't think I'd PAY to download something from the internet. 8O
My own progress is a result of dedication and commitment to improving myself.
There are probably many ways to beat social phobia, but the one thing they have in common is yourself :p.

kuhtreen said:
iamalone said:
There is no cure. There won't be any.

We are disable people.

If you think like that, then you are right. I have better things planned for myself...good luck.

That's the spirit, and the key to success. YOU are in control of your life. If you want something, work towards it, and claim it as a reward. :)

Thanks for the nice post, and congratulations on your improvements!!


Well-known member
iamalone said:

Okay, well I am not that person. I am me. Please stop posting in this one needs your negativity. And sorry to burst your bubble, but you are failing at trying to make me feel like I have no hope. I do hope that one day you will see the light and live a very happy and free life, like I will. :)


Well-known member
Sounds good.

The more people are improving, the more optimistic I feel for all of us.


It's irrelevant that a man at 61 still has Social anxiety... There's obese people at 61, and there's formerly obese people that took a turn somewhere in their life and are now in good shape at 61. Just as kuhtreen is making a positive change in her life.

Props to you, keep at it. Despite a lot of the negativity on this site, many people do get over S.A but they probably prefer not to be an active member here by that stage. Being an active member here eventually may be a hinderence than a help if there are too many iamalones around.

And let me tell you something about humour, It's all in the delivery... being more confident will make your jokes funnier...