New member
I just joined, and have looked through a few posts, and I cant help but to feel depressed, so I thought that a would post something positive.
I got social phobia when I was around 10. I think that the trigger was problems going on in my family. My mother got fybromyalgi, and that affected everything. Me and my brother began fighting, our income fell etc, and all of this made me feel very insecure. I did not have words or other means to express my feelings, since I was raised as a "good" girl, and good girls dont say anything when they're feeling bad.
Anyway, I started to pull away from people, and then the fear began. People of course noticed that something was diffrent, asked me a few questions etc, but nobody did anything, including my parents.
I started skipping school, or that is, got my parents to call to the school and say that I was sick. I was gone at least one day a week.
When I was 13, I began a new school, and this was when my life fell apart. I began being bullied. I never told anyone, but since they would hit me on lessons, as well as ridicule me, I think that the teachers knew.
I continued calling in sick to the school a couple of days a week, but after christmas I fell apart. I would go to school be there for one lesson, but after that I would go to the school nurse, and she would send me home.
After a while, a stopped going completly. I felt like hell during this period, and considered killing myself.
I then decided that I did not want to die, and switched to a new school. At this point, me and my parents were convinced that all of my problems were because of my old school, so when I began the new school, we belived everything was going to be fine. But of course it was not. The moment when I realised that, I think that it was on the second day after the summer holiday, was the worst of my life. I completly fell apart, and then I went to my parents and asked them to get me help.
I began seeing a psycaiatrist (sp?), and she discovered the social phobia. At this point, I could not even take the bus, but together with her, and my amazing new school, we made up a plan for me to be with on one lesson a day, and then to increase it.
It meant that I lost one year of schooling, but it is what made me healthy.
I would not say that I am completly free of feeling insecure in social situations. I think that this will be something that I will have to struggle with for the rest of my life, but I dont have the burden of social phobiak, and panic anxiety anymore.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there is a life after social phobia, and that it can be taken away, and that there is a life after it.
I got social phobia when I was around 10. I think that the trigger was problems going on in my family. My mother got fybromyalgi, and that affected everything. Me and my brother began fighting, our income fell etc, and all of this made me feel very insecure. I did not have words or other means to express my feelings, since I was raised as a "good" girl, and good girls dont say anything when they're feeling bad.
Anyway, I started to pull away from people, and then the fear began. People of course noticed that something was diffrent, asked me a few questions etc, but nobody did anything, including my parents.
I started skipping school, or that is, got my parents to call to the school and say that I was sick. I was gone at least one day a week.
When I was 13, I began a new school, and this was when my life fell apart. I began being bullied. I never told anyone, but since they would hit me on lessons, as well as ridicule me, I think that the teachers knew.
I continued calling in sick to the school a couple of days a week, but after christmas I fell apart. I would go to school be there for one lesson, but after that I would go to the school nurse, and she would send me home.
After a while, a stopped going completly. I felt like hell during this period, and considered killing myself.
I then decided that I did not want to die, and switched to a new school. At this point, me and my parents were convinced that all of my problems were because of my old school, so when I began the new school, we belived everything was going to be fine. But of course it was not. The moment when I realised that, I think that it was on the second day after the summer holiday, was the worst of my life. I completly fell apart, and then I went to my parents and asked them to get me help.
I began seeing a psycaiatrist (sp?), and she discovered the social phobia. At this point, I could not even take the bus, but together with her, and my amazing new school, we made up a plan for me to be with on one lesson a day, and then to increase it.
It meant that I lost one year of schooling, but it is what made me healthy.
I would not say that I am completly free of feeling insecure in social situations. I think that this will be something that I will have to struggle with for the rest of my life, but I dont have the burden of social phobiak, and panic anxiety anymore.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there is a life after social phobia, and that it can be taken away, and that there is a life after it.