Stupid things you do because of SA.


Well-known member
In the last week, I have done so many stupid things at work it is not funny. Almost Always when someone is watching, especially this specific girl. I forget to put certain pieces in meals, or even the chips in chip packets! I forget to take my wallet and phone, and leave my gumboots on because I wanted to concentrate on saying goodbye to same girl. When Im working alone, or not interfered with, I work fine, but I feel intimidated as soon as people begin to stare at my activities.

I tried to rack raw meat onto the trays once =/, I was about to put frozen chips in the chip hopper :roll: , then someone notices, its always that girl, and I feel like a total idiot, and rightfully so imo.


Well-known member
when you catch them looking at you fill your head with positive thoughts, like shes thinking your cute & just cant take her eyes off you, it'll make you feel better& then you'll feel confident and less likely to make mistakes or else keep your head down and turn your view from them so you dont know whos watching


Active member
Yeah is damn easy to do when your panicking and completely distacted by other things, i mean one time i forgot how much a 20 pence coin was worth, i was definite it was 25p...(i should of actually read the freaking coin!!!)...i think i was thinking right it looks like a 50p and its kinda half the size, must be 25! yeah i must of looked quite retarded, thats probably why i never buy stuff anymore lol. Anxiousness just steals my common sense i think, my head just can't work clearly in those situations.


Active member
Sidney's advice is cool if you can pull it off. I've tried it and had zero success. But that's just me--I don't want to knock the advice or anything.

I know how you feel though. When someone--especially someone you're trying to impress (or at least not look like a total douchebag around)--is watching or talking to you while you work, then they're diverting your focus. I think it's a much bigger deal for a SP, because SPs tend to focus so much attention on looking normal (socially) to others. That, and when you're scared shitless--it is a "phobia" afterall--then yeah, you tend to screw stuff up more.

It's quite the paradox. SPs are scared to death of embarrassing themselves, yet this immense fear is what makes them screw up and embarrass themselves anyway.

I had a job a number of years back where I kept forgetting to put sugar in the muffins. I did it over and over and I'm sure my supervisor was about to lose it. Finally, someone else made the muffins. Very embarrassing to say the least. It all happened because I was overwhelmed by the 'social environment', so to speak.

The trick, I think, for an SP is to not care what anybody thinks, "be yourself", etc. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done. Most humans are often busy trying to conform to one social norm or another. We're just programmed that way. What sucks for a SP is their inability to conform to these norms, and what's worse, far from being oblivious and clueless and ignorant like most who fail to do so, we're painfully aware of our inadequacy.


Well-known member
Yes falling in love is stupid. I hate doing. Makes you all nutty and you must steel yourself all the time in order to restist gazing at her when she's nearby. It's annoying enought to try to keep your eyes at the face when talking to a girl with big tits, takes half your brain capacity. It's really great to fall in love at work... not (I hope I won't do for the 3:rd time if I work this summer). Even worse is to fall in love with someone in your own school class. I did time ago, I hated it so much...


Well-known member
Im trying not to really consider love, its just too much for me atm. I agree with all the things which Kien is saying. It just takes so much energy to resist looking or thinking about the people staring at me.

I seem to know when someone is staring at me, even if I haven't seen them with my eyes yet. I could be facing in the opposite direction, yet the sub-conscious says you are being watched. I don't mind the managers watching me BTW, or most of the older women or most of the other guys. I don't particularly like it, but I cope with it. When one of the outgoing guys or that girl watches me though, it feels so so bad, happens too often too. I completely stuff up something almost everytime. She tells me that I did something wrong, I feel like a complete idiot, but a part of me feels glad that she took the time to speak to me.


Well-known member
I do lots of stupid stuff because of feeling anxious. Like going to the store with a shopping list, and still forgetting half the things on the list. The worst thing though is having a total mental blackout when I have to talk to people. Like yesterday, I had to take my son to the pediatrician, and I think I only registered about half of what the man said to me. My mind just freezes up. I f'n hate it :evil: .


I do that a lot, zone out when people talk to me. Especially when paying for things at a cashier >.< It usually happens the worst with me when it's really important that I hear what's being said, I just zone out and can't remember half of it...

What I do to avoid that though, is I listen to music constantly when I'm not talking to anybody, even in public. If you can do things like work or study or play a game or even watching tv with music playing in the background, and then like, every 10 minutes write down the songs you remember then try to remember some of the lyrics, I find that it helps me take in what people say even if I'm not able to actively listen to them. I find it helps a lot, but that may just be me.


Well-known member
I do that a lot, zone out when people talk to me. Especially when paying for things at a cashier >.< It usually happens the worst with me when it's really important that I hear what's being said, I just zone out and can't remember half of it...

I do that too. Sometimes I feel like Homer Simpson. Thier talking, and im looking at them, they think im listening, but really its nothing more than a blank stare, and in my head its all blah blah blah blah. In the end I dont remember or understand a word they said :lol: :lol:

You guys, I know how that is. When I get nervous at work, thats when I screw up. My memory goes, my common sense disappears, and I cant think logically. Sometimes I start feeling completely lost and confused.

The worst and most embarrasing iv ever done (and there been a few) was this.

When I was working as a locksmith, me and a colleague met with the building manager of a high rise building in the Sydney CBD, we had to fix the panic bar on a fire door, but couldnt open it from the outside, so we had to get to the other side of the door. We went inside and found the building manager to help us find it.

That turned out to not be so easy. The building manager didnt know how to get to his own fire escape. How the hell are people supposed to get out of it in a fire if he dosnt even know. Anyway.

It took about 45 minutes to find it. NO JOKE. A maze of grey concrete corriders, stair cases, more grey concrete corridors. We finally find it.

Building manager open and walks out, colleague does the same, im last. Because I was having one of my anxiety episodes, I was confused and nervous. I followed, and SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND ME.

All of that, for nothing. Man I have never felt like such an idiot in all my life. You should have seen thier faces.

Iv got lots of stories like that, unfortunatly.

But im improving heaps, especially the last 6 months. Im starting to be respected as someone who is competent and knows what thier doing, and its a great feeling. I just need to relax, focus, and use my own common sense instead of waiting for instruction from others, then im fine[/quote]


Ugh, I have stories like that too >.< Made worse by the fact that they're all in school situations and people expected better of me because I totally blew everyone away with tests and answering questions and stuff.

I also have a problem with initiative, doing things on my own instead of waiting to be told to do something. I didn't know that was a part of anything, I thought it was just me 8O


Well-known member
i feel stupid just getting out of bed every day and doing the same shit .same shit different day.start to do something but never finish it.actually i fell mad.and it can all be described with 1 single word:FUCK :twisted: