I do that a lot, zone out when people talk to me. Especially when paying for things at a cashier >.< It usually happens the worst with me when it's really important that I hear what's being said, I just zone out and can't remember half of it...
I do that too. Sometimes I feel like Homer Simpson. Thier talking, and im looking at them, they think im listening, but really its nothing more than a blank stare, and in my head its all blah blah blah blah. In the end I dont remember or understand a word they said :lol: :lol:
You guys, I know how that is. When I get nervous at work, thats when I screw up. My memory goes, my common sense disappears, and I cant think logically. Sometimes I start feeling completely lost and confused.
The worst and most embarrasing iv ever done (and there been a few) was this.
When I was working as a locksmith, me and a colleague met with the building manager of a high rise building in the Sydney CBD, we had to fix the panic bar on a fire door, but couldnt open it from the outside, so we had to get to the other side of the door. We went inside and found the building manager to help us find it.
That turned out to not be so easy. The building manager didnt know how to get to his own fire escape. How the hell are people supposed to get out of it in a fire if he dosnt even know. Anyway.
It took about 45 minutes to find it. NO JOKE. A maze of grey concrete corriders, stair cases, more grey concrete corridors. We finally find it.
Building manager open and walks out, colleague does the same, im last. Because I was having one of my anxiety episodes, I was confused and nervous. I followed, and SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND ME.
All of that, for nothing. Man I have never felt like such an idiot in all my life. You should have seen thier faces.
Iv got lots of stories like that, unfortunatly.
But im improving heaps, especially the last 6 months. Im starting to be respected as someone who is competent and knows what thier doing, and its a great feeling. I just need to relax, focus, and use my own common sense instead of waiting for instruction from others, then im fine[/quote]