Study - participants needed :)

Dear all,

I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire conducting a research project looking at what factors might be related to the ways in which people process and manage thoughts and emotions, and how this then relates to the psychological distress (e.g. feeling low, anxious) people experience. I am looking for people to participate in the study - both people who have and have not experienced psychological / mental health difficulties.

The project is an online questionnaire study and should take no longer than 20-30 minutes to complete. All responses are completely anonymous. It is hoped that this research will help towards gaining a better understanding of what contributes to psychological distress and how best to help people with mental health difficulties.

For more information about the study or to take part, please go to the study website: Contextual factors associated with psychological inflexibility and psychological distress Survey

Many thanks in advance; your participation really is greatly appreciated.

Please note that this study has been given full ethical approval by the University of Hertfordshire's School of Psychology's Ethics Committee (REF: PSY/07/10/JC).