stuck in first gear


New member
Hello to everyone here, I've been reading the posts for a few weeks now and I'm so glad theres other people who are going through the same experiences as me. Anyway, a bit about myself (caution-long and boring : )javascript:emoticon(':lol:')

I've only recently found out that I've got social phobia but guess that its been with me for about 10 or so years, just didn't know it had a name. I feel that social phobia is holding me back from progressing in life. Relationship, work, socialy-its all hit a dead end. I'm currently employed but the job is poor money to what I should be getting for my skills, I've never been in a relationship (I'll be 28 in six months) my experience with the opposite sex is zero (not cool) and my social life is pretty much non existent and I still live at home. Apart from that eveythings good-got to look on the bright side hey guys.

I recently tried hypnotherapy for my blushing/confidence problem but that didn't help, haven't tried any medication as I don't think my condition is that serious and there seems to be side effects. javascript:emoticon(':oops:')
So, I don't know what to do now, life seems to be in first gear and I really want to get to second (I like driving). Any ideas, suggestions. Thanks for reading, sorry if theres any bad spelling I'm dyslexic.


Well-known member

Well welcome to these sites. Youll be supprise at how fast you start to improve now that you know they are millions of us scattered around the globe. If you need my e mail send me a private message or check yours.
I like you thought i was alone until i stumble upon this site when i did a google search on shyness.
bye and hope to hear from you.