Stopped taking my pills, now im dizzy/light headed?


New member
I used to take 40mg of paroxetine every night, but i quit taking them like a week ago and now the past couple days ive been dizzy and lightheaded all the time. How long till this goes away, its driving me crazy.


New member
It feels like theres electric shocks going through my head. How long till this stops. Im tempted to just start taking them again if it doesnt stop even though it doesnt work for me.


Well-known member
I've never taken anxiety meds but im sure like any form of medication it takes time for your body to adjust to starting/finishing them. It can take a few weeks for people to return to "normal" after certain types of medication.


Well-known member
Did you just stop taking them without help from a psychiatrist?? 8O Your body has become accustomed to paroxetine in your bloodstream. Going cold turkey can produce withdrawl type symptoms. Even if the medication has no effect on your behavior, it is still present in your body. It probably wouldn't hurt to talk to your psychiatrist about what to do.


Well-known member
40mg? Damn! That's a lot. Is it any wonder you feel dizzy? I agree with the person above me. Talk to your psychiatrist about it. You're not supposed to just stop. Hope you feel more normal soon.


Well-known member
you CANNOT just stop cold-turkey! your doc told you to do that? you have to cut down slowly, from 40 to 30 to 20 and eventually off. Im on 30mg of paxil, and if I miss 1 day, i get electric shocks through my hands and nightmares. the doc says this is normal. im damn scared off getting off them, but apparently you can do it ok if you taper it off slowly.
I really hope this passes for you, it must be really awful. Go see your doc. good luck!


Well-known member
yeah ^ i agree with layla. you should go off them from 40, to 30, to 20 etc.

because i stopped taking my epilepsi tablets a few weeks ago, im 15 btw. and my behavior kinda changed, i was feelin tired alot, reallly moody, and it got me into really bad arguements with parents, i ended up running away, jumping out of the window whilst drunk, and staying at my friends house the whole weekennd without telling my dad where i was. i also tried taking an over-dose.[i was drunk whilst doin this]

it realllllllly did effect how i was, because it got me alot worse, if i was in arguements, i wouldnt back down where as i normally would. and id scream shout and everything, it really affected me. so i dont think you should just stop with any medications.ofcourse i realise this now.