Still feel like a child?


Well-known member
Does anyone else still feel like they are a child?....I suppose its because Sp holds you back from progressing in life on so many levels. I feel so embarrassed about my life...I'm 24 in 6 months, I'm nearly half way to 30 and I still have the mentality I had when I was about 16!! (no offence to anyone that age or younger)... :lol:

I look at people around me who are my age, who have great jobs, a mortgage, kids and a social life and it just makes me so sad inside, because I'm so far from that its laughable.

Don't want to sound like I'm "self pitying" because I am grateful for what I have got, don't get me wrong. I just wanted so see how many can relate to feeling like this.... :)


Well-known member
For sure. Though I'm a whole lot better than I was earlier this year, I still live at home and feel very much helpless without my parents in some situations. I still visit the doctor with my mother for example and she still offers to do far too much for me that I am able to do as an adult.

I'm now 22 and it's taken me my whole life to finally get over the fact that I can take a bit of responsibility for myself and actions. I'm making new discoveries about myself and how I communicate daily so I'm not in too much of a hurry to change my lifestyle now. Eventually I would like to live on my own, experience a relationship etc. etc. but for now I'm content to let my life evolve - albeit slowly but evolve at least.

I believe I was very slow to mature and to gain some sort of an awareness which contributed to my awkwardness - something I've strangely always been conscious of but never able to act upon until now.


Well-known member
Cassie said:
I still feel like I couldn't go there because I'm a little girl that need her mummy's approval :x

Yeah I can relate to that, even with my bf I'm always seeking approval, always wanting to know if I'm making the right choices. Even if I want to do something and my family doubt my choice 9 times out of 10 I'll do what they want because I always want there approval, its important to me....but it doesn't help you in the long run because you never learn to stand on your own two feet....

Well I haven't yet anyway.


Well-known member
im almost 26 but il always be 18 at heart. it depends on who im with aswel. some people make me go loopy and then some make me calm down.

generaly i am loopy anyway though.
i like crazy people. i get on with them better because they make me not care what they think.


Well-known member
hmm this isn't exactly the most inspiring post for me :lol: I haven't had SP for very long so I don't know if I "feel" younger.

Everyone so far who has posted doesn't seem immature...


Well-known member
paul said:
hmm this isn't exactly the most inspiring post for me :lol: I haven't had SP for very long so I don't know if I "feel" younger.

Everyone so far who has posted doesn't seem immature...

Well we will see about that :roll:


Well-known member
I only feel like a child inside. I live on my own, make my own desicions, etc. but at times I still feel like a child. Maybe its because I feel so different from everyone around me. My life is the same as it was years ago, while I watch people my age around me get married, buy houses, etc. I feel at times like I need my parents around, or need someone to help me make decisions.


Well-known member
I definitely still feel like a kid...I feel old yet I feel like a kid...I know that makes no sense, but I guess...I feel like I'm getting old, but I cant do anything I want to do so I still feel like a kid. I hate where I live(would rather be dead than live here basically) and cant even move because all the good places are so dang expensive to live on your own... so I still live with my parents, which would be ok if we lived somewhere else...but they worry about me like I'm still a 12 year old...I guess that's good in a way, shows that they care, though.


Well-known member
I'm older than most of you guys but l still feel like a kid too. I'm almost 29, live with my mum and need my mum to help with banking, speaking to people, buying things at counters. I just have such a people phobia, and think l need my mum to go to counters cos l can't do it.. Spose l need to start doing more things on my own, cos l can speak to people, just need practice. I desperately want to get my own place, hope it happens soon. An embarrassing thing happened today where my mum embarrassed me in this interview - she said she got me up in the morning. That is one thing l hate, she thinks l can't get up early on my own so starts calling out to me :evil: Grrr.


Well-known member
Real age: 32
Intellectual age: 50 (jaded and bitter, LOL) ;)
Function-like age: 22
Feel-like age: 19


Yeah-- I still do feel like a kid (and technically I'm not... I turned 18 this year...), and I'm so afraid that I will never be able to grow up. A lot of my friends have gone off to colleges in other cities, but I'm attending a local university and live with my parents still. I guess its all right for now because I'm so young, and people won't think it strange that I'm still depenent on my folks... but what about when I'm 21? 22? 23? Sigh...
This is a major problem for me- I look young, act young - don't get taken seriously. When I'm with my son I get treated like a white trash 16 yr old mother- when I'm 31! I am too afraid to drive also- this makes me feel young.

People also seem to "baby" me, for example apologizing for swearing in front of me- f*** I hate that!


Well-known member
Even if I moved out more than 2 years ago, i still feel like I have to "report" to my parents when I do something. I even ask my mother if I can change my haircut 8O ... I now live a 100 kilometers (60 miles) away from "home" and every night I can't go to sleep because I feel like I'm not where I should be. I never felt my age...

"I would give everything to get a chance to start again from the beginning." :(


Well-known member
iam 26 going on 12. i feel so behind in terms of everyday life experience and also social skills that iam scared i'll never catch up. ppl my age have done so many things, whilst i have done or achieved nothing thus far. it depresses me like hell.


Well-known member
still-in-my-shell, some of my relatives still apologize for swearing in front of me and I feel so stupid. I mean, why?! It makes me feel like I'm still 5 and like they look at me like I'm so much younger. I hate this so much.

Taws, i also told my parents I will be living with them long past when I should be :lol:

I have never wanted to get older and move on; I was dreading the end of High School, and now college is ending in a few months and I am dreading that and depressed partly because of that.
I feel I should still be in High school


Well-known member
A child is happy most of the time... he just playing around with his toys, don't think to much, don't need to work, he has the future ahead ... everybody love kids... i feel old at my 21 ...i wish to be a kid again at least to fee like a kid that means i should feel joy........


Well-known member
I'm 27, a parent, living in my own home, and I still feel like a kid. It is so weird to think about me being the "adult". Any way, I don't think it's an sp thing. Lots of young adults (20-30) people say this. It is hard to realize that you don't change, really, just because you are an adult, your still the same person. And as for all you young adults still living at home. I have 3 little brothers and they all live with our mom- they are 19, 22 and 22 years of age. They don't have sp and she does pretty much every thing for them. Alot of their friends still live with their parents as well. Don't worry this is normal.