spontaneous conversation..


I feel like a girl will never give me a chance unless I meet her through spontaneous conversation. Do any guys ever feel this way?

Like any girl won't consider doing anything with you unless you do a "cold approach" of seeing a female, having nothing really in common except that you are in the same place perhaps or that you aren't really particularly situated with each other, and have to talk to each other because you Have to, and just make spontaneous conversation.

Like that is solely what girls will consider "worthy" of attention, and it is "manly"?

I dont know if you know what I mean. I find it hard to start conversation with just anyone on the street. But I guess girls see that as "manly" like... and any other form of meeting up with someone as "inferior". Because animals, don't have to just wait to become situated with someone to start something.


besides this, no woman will ever give me a chance it seems.... for at least.. a very long time, if not forever. It just seems so distant from me. developing any new friendships seem very distant. very unlikely, for a looong time at least. no matter what other reasons I can come up with.

I give up, I give in. Because I am a PUSSY. that's what most if not all women think of me. I feel like every woman thinks of me as an actual literal female. and the men, also. I feel like they all think I should just stfu and die, for being the most unworthy of life. survival of the fittest huh? as long as you can steal and murder you're good then I guess in this world.


Well-known member
Dude, I can tell you from experience that some guys can pick up girls. But a lot of the time before couples date, they start out as friends, maybe not best friends, and then start developing feelings for each other, then start dating.


the idea I get is that most girls WANT to get picked up, and if you don't do the "cold pick up" they will think less of you.


Well-known member
That's possibly true for some girls. But to be honest, those arn't the girls you want or would probably be compatible with and its probably not worth worrying over.