'SP'=this combo:


Well-known member
-No charisma
-Uber-shyness (as a result of everything)

we are doomed because of no charisma. I dont know what is the definition of charisma, but i know it can make your life wonderful.

Do you know someone that has never been attacked verbally, bullied, humiliated, in his/her whole life? I know and you probably know.

I know a guy who attract girls from every 'caste' (intellectual and material) . He talks mainly ultimate bullshit. He has a son. Once he told me that his son can pee so high that he hit himself in the forehead. He wasnt even joking. Similiar stuff he talks to girls.

I know one more guy like him. He is even madder. Every girl jumps on him. You wont believe what is he talking to girls, and no: he isnt macho! He is even more emotionally sensitive that me. And i think hes got some serious mental problem (ghosts..)

Did you ever get attracted to a person that is without any quality comparing to you? You certainly did. I did, i fell in love with charismatic girls and stayed numb for too long. That girls were average . And i know why i m still thinkin of that. Because i m left without charisma in 'potentional hole' , what would say people who study physics.