Sorry in advance


Well-known member
Ive been on this forum since about Febuary and over this time i have seen it go slowly down hill, there is very little support or people actualy looking for help its just people coming on and saying "i do this, do you do it aswell" and "i have this does anyone else have it" its also became full of stuff that is way off topic and belongs somewhere else. I still log on every day to read some of the postd but i get half way through them and theres alot of stuff that is very unrelated to SA so i dont bother to read the rest. Ive seen posts that are SA related and they get little replies, its strange?

I know everyone has to get their story across when they join so people get to know them better and understand them but there is very little positive advice or help here like there used to be not so long ago.

I know i will probaly offend alot of people here and i apologise in advance but how about getting the forum back to the way it used to be?


Well-known member
I know everyone has to get their story across when they join so people get to know them better and understand them but there is very little positive advice or help here like there used to be not so long ago.

if I know any good advice I would give it right away, I myself am yet to find advice that really helps...


Well-known member
i think there are still those that do offer advice, i know i try nonetheless. i don't think it's much different anywhere else, maybe just being bigger than we are. if nothing else, i see support going on and that's all we can offer. the members are what make it. i'm sorry you're dissapointed. i guess we all have standards to what is good or not on the board and i can see how you're frustrated. the board wouldn't be the same with out you :(

when i look at the board, many times it's new members posting and getting what they need out of it and never come back. or people share their stories and offer their two cents and they're done. sometimes just knowing others are out there is enough.


Well-known member
For me it's hard to offer much support and advice since I'm a very negative person, and I haven't really done anything to help my SP...still stuck at the telling someone who will be able to help me phase since i can't seem to help myself.

I think it's good that not all of the posts on here are about's not exactly something I want to talk about all of the time...I'd rather just forget about it, but it is a little dissapointing that those topics get the least replies. It is hard to talk about, so that is understandable i suppose.

I did like the forum a little better way back when...seemed to have more of a community feel to it, that might just be because it was smaller make some valid points Scottish_Player...i'll try to post a little more where its needed now (dont post much as it is though).

McShy said:
Tennis anyone?

I'll take you up on that offer...prepare to lose :lol: .


Well-known member
This site has so changed. People who were once ok to me are now being really weird towards me. Me thinks time to move on very soon


Well-known member
grumblina said:
.If you have ideas for the Webmaster or Moderators let us know.

Hiya Grublina, one thing that would be good to get back has already been spoken about but i'll mention it agian, when you click on the HOME on the top left of the menu you only get around the past 10 new posts instead of the last 30 or so like it used to be. It was much easier to use before.

Would it be possible to get this back?


Well-known member
grumblina said:
Nothing is ever more than the sum of it's parts. I used to give all sorts of advice and encouragement but I got tired of saying the same stuff to the same questions over and over.

Such is the way of the web forum. Every BBS I've ever become involved in has gone through the same trajectory, regardless of content--I saw this happen at the BBS too. (Note: if you go there, DON'T let on about SA or anything like that-- they're a bit 'macho' and merciless about such things). And if one thinks this place is 'cliquey', you'd be appalled at most other BBSs. ;) Of course it IS an SP thing to be affected strongly by any appearance of cliquiness. (I'd guess people are referring to taws/bexi/mcshy? lol ... I don't see a 'clique' there really but can see how other SPers might...)

Ppl naturally get sick of saying the same thing all the time (that's why new members are needed, to say the things we're sick of saying on our behalf to the new newbies, lol). But referring people to the search function to find the info they ask for all the time is off-putting... I dunno. I'll also admit myself that there's no rhyme or reason to my sporadic use of this site, how I sometimes vent, sometimes give advice, sometimes play Mr Positive, sometimes lurk and sometimes don't log on at all (or answer IMs promptly--sorry woz! :) )

The fact that stuff has gone off-topic, to me, is GOOD. It means a bunch of SPers have found a place where they can yak to others about anything and finally feel comfortable doing so!

OK, I'll stop rambling, noone reads my long-ass posts anyway. lol


Well-known member
Steve-182 said:
Personally, I find the website to be a little cliquey :( - which for a SA site is very ironic, but I don't want to be forced elsewhere

I don't think this site is cliquey, but it may seem that way in the eyes of someone who doesn't talk to the other members much. But thats cool, all part and parcel of an SA-specific forum.

I guess the best way to get rid of negative preconceptions about people here (aka the cliquey~ness) is to just get stuck in and post.

scottish_player said:
Ive been on this forum since about Febuary and over this time i have seen it go slowly down hill, there is very little support or people actualy looking for help its just people coming on and saying "i do this, do you do it aswell" and "i have this does anyone else have it" its also became full of stuff that is way off topic and belongs somewhere else. I still log on every day to read some of the postd but i get half way through them and theres alot of stuff that is very unrelated to SA so i dont bother to read the rest. Ive seen posts that are SA related and they get little replies, its strange?

I think its all natural, you can't have all the threads here being SA specific, and filtering past all the repeated topics is one skill of a pro-SPW-forum user. :wink:

Think you'd have to contact the webmaster about the format change though, no one likes it. :eek:


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
you can't have all the threads here being SA specific,

I didnt mean it too come across as that i think all posts should be about SA and nothing else, what i was meaning or trying to say is that the number of SA posts seemed to be out numbered by the number of non-SA posts.



Well-known member
I think the site is still good, sure some sharp comments are made, but it's like that in the real world, too, and you just have to learn to let it slide. Just the practice alone of doing that is therapeutic! Not saying this should be a war zone for the sake of practice, but for the most part, I haven't really read any real bad insults against someone, just disagreements and the occasional snappy comment.


Active member
DazedNConfused said:
I think the site is still good, sure some sharp comments are made, but it's like that in the real world, too, and you just have to learn to let it slide. Just the practice alone of doing that is therapeutic!

You're right about letting things slide. That's one thing I've always had a tough time with because I'm very sensitive. And yeah, practicing it is definietly theraputic!


Well-known member
Vonnie said:
DazedNConfused said:
I think the site is still good, sure some sharp comments are made, but it's like that in the real world, too, and you just have to learn to let it slide. Just the practice alone of doing that is therapeutic!

You're right about letting things slide. That's one thing I've always had a tough time with because I'm very sensitive. And yeah, practicing it is definietly theraputic!

Yes, me too. Not nearly as bad as I was even one year ago, though.