Something that has helped me: Meditation (sort of)

Hi there...

Haven't posted in a while. But I'd like to share something that helps me. I won't make any claims on effectiveness on other people, but it does work for myself and it doesn't cost anything.

It's kind of hard to explain what I do, but maybe I should start a little background info on myself. I have some SA as a youth, but due to the environment I am in, I have always had to just tough it out no matter how much I'm breaking down. I also have severe insomnia and this is the probably the worst of my problems as on my worst week, I've only had about two hours of sleep for the whole week. That is about a few minutes a day of blacking out rather than sleeping.

Right. This isn't a holistic thing or therapy or anything like that, but what I do is I absorb some natural images during the day. I mean REALLY just absorb it. I'm not sure if you can remember it. Like when you're a very small kid and everything in the world is very vivid in color? Yeah. Something like that... seeing it, really seeing it. Keep the image in mind.

Or just look out your window. The idea is to firmly fix a real life natural image in mind that you can refer to again. Now, whenever some negative self-talk returns to me at night, I can just focus on the image and just stop the cycle. Occassionally, I can even drift off to sleep.

I'm sure everyone has their own way to do stop the cycle, and this is one of mine. Maybe you can share yours too.