Someone with experience, please take a look.


New member
Hi !

I have some problems with what I believe to be minor hyperhidrosis. It seems to be triggered when I am nervous. Everyone sweats when nervous, the only difference between me and others is that I get nervous allot more, and I sweat a bit more when nervous. It's never like dripping or anything like that, but sometimes you can see sweat pearls on the hands.

I believe the reason for me getting nervous is the fact that I have problems with facial blushing, and knowing that it might happen makes you more nervous and therefore makes it happen more frequently.

I also get "but sweat" and feet sweat.

Although, when I am alone at home or with someone thats very close to me (that knows about my problems), I hardly sweat at all. My hands get a little moist at the most, thats all. Sometimes my hands are completely dry.

Anyways, the reason I am writing this is because I have some questions.

The reason I dont ask a doctor about this is that I am a foreign student in China, and the mainland Chinese doctors that I have seen about this actually didn't even know what Botox injections are!!! Not kidding!!!

1. Is this hyperhidrosis ?

2. I am planing the get botox injections in HongKong to the hands. I have been in contact with Swedish doctors over email, and they told me that botox injections are NOT painfull because of the local anesthetics you can get if you want to, and that its VERY effective and in most cases makes the hands 100% dry, and thats for people with heavy sweating.
The thing is:
I have been reading on the forums where most people actually say that botox didn't help. Does this mean that A: Swedish doctors are lying--B: Swedish doctors makes better botox injections--C: The people who had sucessful injections don't return to the boards and tell us about it--or D:Something else ????

Sorry about the long thread, but I hope that you can take some time and help me. I will probably do the botox injections anyways, and I will come back and tell you about the results!

Thank you!


Well-known member
I have no experience of sweating on the hands so can't help a lot, but i wanted to respond anyway.

I have HH on the face and scalp, but also suffer from particular sweating on my left cheek due to an operation i had a couple of years ago to romove my perotid gland ( the gland that produces saliva ). This condition is called freys syndrome.

I had Botox a couple of months ago on my cheek. It felt like bee stings, a little painful but nothing serious. It helped me a little and i reckon that the sweats on my cheek have been alleviated by 50 %.

So, whilst it is not related to your condition, Botox is not a treatment to worry about and it does have an effect on severe sweating. Perhaps others on here can help more specifically with palmer HH.