Someone who a kid out?


New member
Sorry guys this is really's just I haven't had anybody to tell these things to and it's instilled a new hope in me that I might actually be able to find out what's wrong with me.

okay so I'm TJ. I'm 17, and I never really had problems before. socially I mean. well I had some but it was not really serious. I still had friends. Friends who would do things for me. Friends who liked me, that I didn't scare away or freak out on. But then over the summer, everything just changed. I don't know exactly when or how, but everything went to shit. I started having these paranoid thoughts. that people were talking about me and judging me badly. eventually it got bad, besides the paranoia. I couldn't talk to people, I wouldn't know what to say, I could seriously spend about 3 hours hanging out with friends and not say a word. I don't know why these awkward situations happened, but these situations always made the next ones worse. Eventually my friends had this inside joke about me being a "crackhead" or a "zombie" because I would just sit there, looking out the window, saying maybe a couple comments but pretty much nothing for the most part. They'd say these names out loud for eachother to hear, thinking I'm completely oblivious, or just not giving a shit if I heard. It got to the point where my girlfriend is the only one I could talk to, or wanted to spend time with. That's all I want to do anymore, is spend time with her, then go home and isolate myself. I hate hanging out with anyone else. when I do, I start getting this spasm every once and a while where my head or my arm or my leg just twitches. Thus further giving my ex-friends a laugh who call me crackhead. my girlfriend is the only one I talk or pay attention to when hanging out with people. I can't even look anybody else in the eye practically. I specifically avoid looking people in the eye, I don't know why that is either. If I'm sitting in a circle of people, or in a car, or whatever, I stare at the floor or out the window, or just away from wherever the people are. I'm basically just dead weight. I don't talk, I don't do anything, I don't do anything but sit there. I try to be happy, I try to not be like this, but I really just don't know how...and it seems like the harder I try, the worse it turns out. I've been more and more depressed every day. That's when I started to look to the internet for answers, finally deciding I HAVE a problem and I need to fix it. So I stumbled across Social Anxiety Disorder, and it seems to all make since when I started reading about it. I'm just wondering, does this sound like I've developed social anxiety disorder? just wanted an opinion from people with experience...and also for peace of mind that I'm not just crazy.


I don't think anyone here could just tell you, or name the problem that you have... it does sound like social anxiety BUT

please don't rely on the internet for diagnoses.. The best advice I can give you is to suggest that you seek counseling / see a psychologist. I don't know if you have the money to do so (as you're so young), as they can be very expensive.. however many many counselors and psychologists have a sliding fee scale.. Also because you are young, perhaps there are some youth medical services in your area? They often have free counseling and that kinda thing. A friendly doctor you trust will also probably be able to refer you to someone if you explain your situation.

I also don't know what your situation is, do you have a good relationship with your parents etc, but maybe you can also approach them in helping you find someone to talk to.

Sounds like you have a close, positive relationship with your girlfriend too.. So I'm sure she would be happy to help you too?

Good luck, I really hope you find someone who can give you real help :)


Active member

can i just say that your ex-friends sound like idiots and you are better than them...they don't deserve your friendship. I'm happy to hear your girlfriend is supporting you.

I would suggest that u don't worry about other people right now...focus on helping yourself and maintaining a good relationship with your girlfriend.

You really shouldn't be suffering this alone- are u in school or college? mayb u could try and see their counsellor if there is one.

otherwise, try seeing your doctor and they will refer you to the right people.

take care.