somebody help me please


New member
please help me, i am extremely shy, im 17 and i have no friends, i have very low self steem, i hate school mostly because sometimes there are group activities and they never pick me to be their partner, in gym class nobody wants me on their team, many times i skipped class just because i know theres gonna be some group activities or presentations, and i have bad grades because of that, i wish i could enjoy going to school like everyone else but i alway feel nervous and its been like this for years, i don't talk to anybody in my school, i hate lunch because i sit alone so i don't go thhere anymore. everyone thinks im weird, and i hate my life, my cousins also think im weird and they don't talk to me. i was shy ever sinse i can remeber. when i was younger i hated recess because i would be sitting in a chair alone, i used to hide in the bathroom until it was over, i never went to partys and i never felt happy, it makes me sad and also angers me thinking how i was so miserable during my chilhood and now i wish i could change but its very hard. please help me, i would like to know what can i do to change and if theres a medicine for shyness that i can get without prescription, and also if its true that alcohol helps with shyness. thank you.. and sorry for my bad english


Well-known member
I know how you feel, the exact same thing happened to me at school, I used to sit alone all the time too, in a stairwell.
Don't think about what people think of you, people are awful if you're the slightest bit different, and I know that sucks, but they just can't help it.
How long have you got left of school? You just have to wait it out until it's over, which is obviously easier said then done, it will get better.
Anyone who thinks you're weird or ignores you without getting to know you is weird themselves....I know it's hard to change, but take one tiny step at a time, and don't worry if you fall down just get back up again.
Don't try alcohol to get rid of shyness, it does not work and you'll just feel worse after.
The only drugs you should try are the ones you get from a doctor.
Good luck