Solve the problem ourselves


I'm not going to bore you saying that I have hyperhidrosis (axilar, feet, hands) as we all know.

In my country there aren't any product to treat hyperhidrosis (i.e: alumpak, drysol, anything). So the only resource is to ask a drug store to make a solution of Alumminium Clorhidrate 25%(sorry if it's not well written) in Etilic (not sure is like this in english) alcohol.

Before doing this (I'm really shy, i have to do a big effor :$) I would really like to know if anyone had took this approach to face hyperhidrosis problem. And also if you did, tell me more or less how much money it cost. And also if you think that concentration (25%) it's ok.

Thanks for all in advance.. i'll try to be brave.


Well-known member
chemistry said:
I'm not going to bore you saying that I have hyperhidrosis (axilar, feet, hands) as we all know.

In my country there aren't any product to treat hyperhidrosis (i.e: alumpak, drysol, anything). So the only resource is to ask a drug store to make a solution of Alumminium Clorhidrate 25%(sorry if it's not well written) in Etilic (not sure is like this in english) alcohol.

Before doing this (I'm really shy, i have to do a big effor :$) I would really like to know if anyone had took this approach to face hyperhidrosis problem. And also if you did, tell me more or less how much money it cost. And also if you think that concentration (25%) it's ok.

Thanks for all in advance.. i'll try to be brave.

Well if you were not going to, why did you go ahead and bore us anyway?

Just kidding :D And welcome to the forum.

Which country are you from? (I´m from Denmark.)

I don´t have any good experience with Aluminum Chlorhidrate and alcohol in any concentration. I mean it will work, but I´m an active person and you will get small cuts in your hands and feet if you use your body in a natural way. The alcohol in the solution stings, making everyday use of it rather uncomfortable and on top of that it´s pretty expensive.
You can solve your problems regarding palmar and plantar HH permanently, if you carry out regular iontophoresis therapy, meaning you have to invest in some form of Iontophoresis device (e.g. read my previous post about that), and maybe get an understanding of the mineral content of your local tap water. If you have small cuts in your hands/feet iontophoresis will also sting, but not as bad as the alcohol, and once you have invested in the device, all you basically need is water.
Iontophoresis therapy is time consuming and not always practical. I combine iontophoresis, which I practise mainly in the warm season of the year, with Aluminum Chlorhydrate and simple corn starch which is available in my country without prescription. I have a plastic food container with a lid, slightly larger than my foot, full of the powder, in which I dip the foot and rub the powder in profoundly up to my ankle, before I don my woolen or partly woolen socks. (don´t ever use cotton) While this powder helps me out, it´s not able to render me completely dry as the Iontophoresis will. The axillar hidrosis can probably not be solved with iontophoresis, atleast I have never seen any evidence of that, although several manufacturers have made accessories available for that practise.

As impractical as sweating may seem to you, You have to remember, that the human body sweats as a result of chemical reactions going on inside your body. There are reasons for the sweat glands in your skin. Completely blocking your body from relieving itself from fluids could be dangerous especially in hot weather, if you´re overweight, or if you overdress. Sweating is natural whether you feel it´s harmful to your social life or not.


Well... how I say this? mm

I'm sure that if I solve my axilar problem, I'll solve the palmar and feet problem. Why?, I'm quite sure that my problem is more psicologic than simpatic.

I mean... when I'm in my house or out of my house with pepole I know (i trust), I don't sweat (no axilar, no palmar, no feet).
I think that when a get little nervous, I'll inmmediatelly sweat under arms and then it cause the chain rule (not math :p) of the sweat in palms, etc.

So what is my theory?... If I could not sweat in underarms when I get a bit nervious, that would help me to be more sociable and then not getting nervous when I'm with 'strange' people.
I mean... not producing the chain rule.

I have a key question...

I sweat only when I'm NOT calm, not relaxed... everytime I sweat it's because i'm not calm. So, why I sweat so much? because I feel like 'nervous' by stupid things. The question is... is my case hyperhidrosis?

I never was sure about the above question, but what I suppose is that using hyperhidrosis treatment (topic ones) I could stop sweating and then don't geting MORE nervouse then.

Sorry for my english..
Belive me, I really apprecciate all your comments.



Well-known member
chemistry said:
Well... how I say this? mm

I'm sure that if I solve my axilar problem, I'll solve the palmar and feet problem. Why?, I'm quite sure that my problem is more psicologic than simpatic.

I mean... when I'm in my house or out of my house with pepole I know (i trust), I don't sweat (no axilar, no palmar, no feet).
I think that when a get little nervous, I'll inmmediatelly sweat under arms and then it cause the chain rule (not math :p) of the sweat in palms, etc.

So what is my theory?... If I could not sweat in underarms when I get a bit nervious, that would help me to be more sociable and then not getting nervous when I'm with 'strange' people.
I mean... not producing the chain rule.

I have a key question...

I sweat only when I'm NOT calm, not relaxed... everytime I sweat it's because i'm not calm. So, why I sweat so much? because I feel like 'nervous' by stupid things. The question is... is my case hyperhidrosis?

I never was sure about the above question, but what I suppose is that using hyperhidrosis treatment (topic ones) I could stop sweating and then don't geting MORE nervouse then.

Sorry for my english..
Belive me, I really apprecciate all your comments.


Thanks, you have some very good questions and I really can´t give you any good replies. If you read my other post "The fifth alternative" you´ll see I don´t think Hyper Hidrosis is a real dignose, but rather a symptom of misc. problems. It´s widely known that anxiety or stress can make people sweat, but noone knows why, because it doesn´t make any sense. I´m glad you´re raising the question though, so maybe we can think more profoundly about it. Where did you say you´re from by the way?