socialising coming out of isolation


Well-known member
im thinking about coming out of isolation i dont know if i should tho i get these peroids through the day were i think i should try and make contact with my old friends but then i immediately think of all the negatives of society i really dont know hi what do i really think i need a few more weeks to think
Well good for you, wanting to make a change. :3

Social phobia is not easy to overcome, and requires taking a couple of risks on your part. If you need support, we'll be here to back you up.

I'd say go for it! You're heading in the right direction.
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Few weeks won't do anything. What will waiting accomplish? Take small steps. You don't have to go to the big party or social gathering. TAKE SMALL STEPS. Do something today that you didn't do yesterday. :cool::cool::cool::cool:


Well-known member
yes i was thinking just send someone a text maybe but i havnt contacted anyone in ages there atitude towards me could be negative i do think i need time ive been thinking like this for a couple of days i also think because i live in a small town if i come out ill just get stared at by people i cant trust anyone


Well-known member
Take it one step at a time. If you wanna start out with talking to old friends that is a really good idea. I have the same problem as you. I really wanna come out of isolation but my mind keeps focusing on the negatives. For that reason, it keeps me from taking chances.
I get the feeling that if you were to text an old friend, they'd be happy to hear from you again. I've had a lot of old friends getting back in touch with me recently, and never once have I thought, "Damn, where the hell were they [insert amount of time here] ago?" I've always thought, "Awww, I haven't seen them in ages, it will be so nice to catch up!" And then it was. :)