Social Phobia ADS

Richter Belmont

New member
Hello everybody,

I have only recently made an account on this forum and this is my first post but I have been reading and watching these threads for a few months now and kind of liked it so I felt that I should join up.

I had a question though about these advertisements on this web page, mainly the one that states I'm popular and you're not. I clicked on that one hoping I could hone some social skills which I'm in desperate need of and it led me to a book called "The popular life." I was just wondering if anybody could endorse this book or tell me if it's at all worth the read. Or if any of these ads on this site are worth looking into however. I'm leery of ordering an E-Book online because I once paid for it and hit a dead link... Anybody read this book???


Well-known member
Hello everybody,

I have only recently made an account on this forum and this is my first post but I have been reading and watching these threads for a few months now and kind of liked it so I felt that I should join up.

I had a question though about these advertisements on this web page, mainly the one that states I'm popular and you're not. I clicked on that one hoping I could hone some social skills which I'm in desperate need of and it led me to a book called "The popular life." I was just wondering if anybody could endorse this book or tell me if it's at all worth the read. Or if any of these ads on this site are worth looking into however. I'm leery of ordering an E-Book online because I once paid for it and hit a dead link... Anybody read this book???

Don't buy anything from some website making a bunch of crazy claims. The adds are just there to support the site and probably make the Webmaster money (it's debatable where that's moral or not)

If you want to buy a book, go to Amazon or some neighborhood bookstore and get it there.

Richter Belmont

New member
You guys are probably right... I just figured if it was on this website it might be a safe thing. I really need to brush up my social skills since getting out of the military I have lost everybody I used to connect with. At least that's what if feels like.


every time I look at this thread title I keep thinking social phobia AIDS..

please tell me I'm not the only one.