So Relieved


New member
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to drop in and say HI and voice my relief that I am not the only one out there suffering from this and that there are treatments that might work for me.

I'm 31 now and have had this problem for about the last 3 years. It is all underarm and I am sitting in an office right now A/C'd down to around 20oC and the sweat just keeps running down the side of my sides from my underarms. I have been wearing black constantly now for about 2 years because its the only colour that sort of hides how much I sweat. I avoid all physical contact because I am scared of getting that ewww you are so sweaty reaction.

I am heading off to the chemist today to get some driclor or drysol or one of the other mentioned treatments and I am crossing my fingers that this works for me.

Here is me looking forward and hoping for a dryer future. Will let you all know how I go.

Also wanted to check and see if anyone else out there had developed this problem at my stage in life. I see alot of posts from people who have had this since their teens and was wondering.


Well-known member
Interesting that your hh developed at a relatively older age.

Driclor does the job for me anyway. Good luck.