Slowly recovering!! I really believe!!!!


Well-known member
Hey! Im a visitor of this forum for a few years now and i have to thank the enormous help it gave me.

Im now 21 years old (almost 22). I have social phobia since 14 that was when i i think it all begun because i was violently bullied. Since then my situation was truly awful. I was called a "zombie" by my colleagues because i never talked to anyone, i had lunch many many times alone, in those times never had a close friend. I was almost all by myself if it wasnt for my family.

So until 18 i could say my social anxiety was real bad, because i even was affraid to go to the supermarket or answering the phone. All my isolation in adolescence affected the development of my social skills, i never knew what to say to people, i reacted awkwardly to them, being in a group was a nightmare to me because i was very quiet and people noticed this (i know they were noticing because they would make fun of me , even making bets of when i would speak a word). So i isolated myself and relieved all my stress in the studies (i was a very good student).

The anticipation of the university was true pain. I had the feeling that i was going to hell (ya know, new people, far away from home). But i went anyway and things werent so bad. I began to force myself to talk to ppl and began to make one or two good buddies. People in uni were more mature to me so i was more at ease. But the nightmare of social phobia was always present. Many times i had the feeling that i was seen as a loner in college. I had to lunch many times alone, attending classes without any interaction with colleagues (i was really affraid of approaching someone and still am today to a certain level), always going back home alone, my roommates were always partying and i was always alone with my computer, etc ,etc.

This loneliness drove me into a depression that began to affect my studies and my marks went really down. I couldnt study anymore as in high school. I was constantly procrastinating, skipping classes, i was strongly unmotivated. So until my age of 20 things were a bit different from high school (because i made 2 good friends in this time), but not so different.

When i made 20 i promised myself to change things. Yes i was a loner, had never kissed a girl or dated ,i was without close friends. First i tried to accept my situation and then to accept my flaws and personality.
But what really changed since my promise was self-discipline. I changed drastically my routine. I began to exercise everyday in the gym, eating much healthier (this one radically changed), i stick to a study plan (began to study blocks of 2 different classes everyday), i made a huge effort to attend all classes (classes were sacred to me even if i feel they didnt worth to go), i began to organize my room and tidy it once a week, my sleep time was always 00:00 to 7 am, i devoted some time to reading before sleeping (i love to read especially philosophy books).

Yes i changed all my routine but not to fight my social phobia. To be honest, at the time i began to make this change, i was totally conformed with the fact that i would be a loner and social phobic forever and ever, so all what i was trying to do was to make my journey in life more pleasurable and bearable.

But you know what?? The funny thing of all this is that when i began to follow strictly my daily routine (with the exception of some days), for weeks and weeks, i began to feel more confident. I was loosing some pounds, i was becoming fit (getting the 6 pack finally ;)), my marks in the uni skyrocketed with the daily study, i felt my daily reading and study was speeding up my speed of thought and my list of things to say in a conversation). I think i was still a loner when i was turning 21, but much more different and happier (no signs of depression). I dunno if its really true the reasons of this, but my growing confidence made people closer to me. Dunno how or why, i began to feel confident in approaching people or talking with them more easily, i began to feel some kind of superiority to them. Indirectly my lifestyle change began to change my social skills with people gradually. Of course anxiety was always there but it was much more bearable. Of course i eventually had those days in which my negative thoughts came in and i was the old self, but, i made an effort to be strict in my routine, and the happier days were coming back more often.

At the present day im really different than i was a year and half ago. I feel much more atractive phisically because of the gym and nutrition (i know women notice me much more often, but talking to oposite sex is still an issue sometimes but much better now ;)), i had some sexual adventures (but still no girlfriend :p), i know new people and made more 2 good buddies with whom i hang out more frequently, i know much more people in the univ, im not that affraid of parties anymore and besides that, my academic situation is really good. But there are many days when i still feel those old feelings of my old self, my old paralysing anxiety, i still have some paralising thoughts that make me shy. But i think and believe those feelings are fading out gradually and slowly as i continue to follow my routine.

Finally, i have to say that im reaching the conclusion that fighting our fears is a slow process. We can change ourselves if we can find our strenght inside (i understand if you dont have my discipline, i think i have a kind of obsession in following routines now). Hey, there are the little things in what we do everyday that changes us a whole. Dont expect quick results, have patience and persistence. Dont become obsessed and worried about your loneliness, if we look around attentively there are many people like us and one day things may change, believe it.
Dont worry about having no girls in life (i remember when i always became frustrated when i saw couples dating, with hands together, seeing them more happier than me), dont think obsessively in this, if we pursuit our goals instead everyday until we get this feeling that we are happy in life without girls then girls will get to you (believe me, i notice the difference, i dont think it is only my body).

Have a good night!


Well-known member
Nice, man, I can see how all this helps, doing your own thing regardless of others.
This is why I have hope...I think we're all capable of changing our lives for the better, just don't believe it...

Congrats :)


Oh my goodness, I really want to be like you. I used to be bullied alot too, by this kid who was 2 heads taller than me, until then I started to be unconfident in myself and I was in fear of being hurt by people. Right now I'm still obsessed over the thought that this person might have hurt/harassed me. Hey ShyBeliever, when you had your own routines, and when yous tarted studying, how did your studying get into your mind? I still have anxiety and OCD etc and everytime I WANT to study strictly, the information doesn't get into my head, instead I think about my obsessive thought. Please help me.


Well-known member
Hey lonely12, thanks for your reply.

Yes being bullied can be really traumatic, but it was something at the past that was out of my control (i didnt know how to deal with that), so the way i want to think about this is that i was just unlucky and it was not my fault. All i try to do is to accept what happened no matter what. Being bullied before made me wanting to go to the gym in order to look stronger and more respectable (that was one of the issues that motivated me), and i still want to grow up in that matter (i still dream in learning self-defense techniques like judo, karate or muai thai).

I really understand you when you talk about difficulties in studying. I lost a college year because of that issue. At the time i think i was severely depressed. I just couldn´t study, i couldn´t look to a book without daydreaming about the pathetic life i had and then i became unmotivated and depressed. When i had to wake up to go to classes, many times i would stay in bed, i was awaked but my motivation to get up and face the uni and my colleagues and my pathetic life was none, so i would stay in bed all morning skipping the classes. Then at the afternoon i would have those feelings of guilt about what i was doing (skipping classes, procrastination). I felt useless and like a loser all day. Those were my days.
So what i did was to make a promise to myself. That promess was to follow a routine designed by me and follow it no matter how lonely i felt, no matter how much people i talked with that day (the days in which i talked to noone were many, now they´re fewer), no matter how much anxiety i had, no matter the mood i was in. I began to have some success in marks and some changes in health that gave me some motivation, confidence began to raise bit by bit. Going to all classes and being kept up with studies forced me to make some basic interactions with people and so i felt my social comfort was rising slowly and slowly.

About studing everyday with concentration is very hard i know. At the beginning i just couldnt do it. But i force myself to control my thoughts in study time (to just think about studying and nothing else). I try to resist to procrastination (i resist the temptation to check mails, navigate in forums, etc, etc). This is like a mental challenge, a very hard one, so i really try not to think about my loneliness and my compulsive thoughts. I must confess that was the hardest issue in my routine. But keeping attention in classes and daily study made my capacity to keep up with the subjects much more easily and thats my motivation. I feel useful and productive that way. So my advice to you is to try to develop your concentration in study. Block all your thoughts mentally and just think about understanding the subject and grasping the idea. Dont try to study much in one day. My daily study was basically reviewing quickly the lessons i had that day and trying to get the main idea of them. I still have some problems with that (especially in busy days when i arrive home at night tired) but not like before.

I wish you all courage and determination in your fight ;)


Hey ShyBeliever,
thanks for the advice, but after the traumatic bullying back in your old days, do you feel a bit worried or stressed, or even shaking a bit... worrying about your future for bullying and harrassment? after the bullying, my hands and body become all tensed up and stressed, they shake all the time. is there a way to prevent this? oh, and if you have more tips feel free to message me through PMing, I Pmed you a while ago, you should check your inbox.


Well-known member
Its is good to see someone who was able to recover for ths seemingly hopeless situation. I was wanting to find a case of someone who recovered from this because I am starting to accept the possibility that it is impossible to be free of this. I am getting older and I am losing all my life and there is nothing I can do about it, for now I am 24 and I don't have anything in my life to motivate me, no sucess of any kind, only frustrations.

Recently I got inspiration to help me take action, and I started to go to gym.. been about 3 months I think. But it is the only thing I am doing, and I think I started to lose motivation again... I ve started to not want to go to the gym some days and I got depressive again.

I think everytime I am inspired to do something, it doesn't lasts much longer and I am capable of have very strong "inspiration times" but they don't last long. So the problem is that I have nothing to motivate me, I am like dead... it has been like one year since I finished university and I didn't go get my graduation certificate yet. I think it doesn't worth the trouble of taking the bus to get it no more... too much worry.

Anyway my life is passing away and I can't do anything.. I really wanted to live my life, but it is start to look like if its something I can't do.

When I was at high school my situation was bad, and I hoped things will get better in the future. Maybe a different people and place like in the university will help change something, and I was actually having a lot of expectative in that would change my situation. I believed things would get better.

At university things got far worse, people didn't noticed me much in high school, I was able to go unoticed. At university I got to a new level of awkwardness, but at least its good that I finished it. I think my bad experiences there destroyed every hope.

I just wanted motivation. I don't want to have to grow older having to witness the life I could have lived but I lost. I don't want to have to realize that there is no turning back. I know that life is good, like people would say to people like us like if we didn't liked life, but I can't live it no matter what I do. I think I don't have that luxury.