Sleep Paralysis?


has anyone heard of this? i have it so often that im afraid to sleep now..... its where you are sleeping and your mind wakes up but your body doesn't, it creates insane panic for me, when it happens you can't even so much as open your eyelids, you try but you cant, its as if you are just watching yourself lay there but you cannot move. it usually lasts about a minute or two, my doctor says when you wake up your body goes through three stages but mine goes from deep sleep to AWAKE and it conflicts, therefore causing this paralysis....its horrible....was just curious to see if anyone else has experienced this....


interesting read about the paranormal stuff LLawliet, but i don't really believe in that stuff, kind of creeped me out though. i'll stick with the scientific theory. just was curious to see if i had some sort of sleeping disorder, i have terrible nightmares more often than not, i've become an insomniac.


Well-known member
I used to get it a fair few times, along with nightmares, night terrors and similar feelings of 'something' is around.

And yes it's terrifying, a sudden lurch into real time from dream leaves some elements of the dream in the waking state. For example I could feel myself 'standing' in my dream while noticing I was lying down and trying to move.

I think more than a few times in a nightmare it turned into sleep paralysis, with me realising it's a dream and panicing, trying mentally (and generally rampant in dream state) to 'wake up'.

Interestingly enough since I have taken a interest into the bible these things or other 'questionable' happenings have ceased.

(on another note, according to wiki many cultures see it as supernatural/demonic)


Well-known member
Something like that happens to me once in awhile. Like, i'm lying in bed, awake - and i can see everything around me like normal. Then suddenly it feels like somethings shaking me and this really loud, whirring noise builds up in my ears, and i can't move or scream or anything. Kind of like a nightmare, but too real to be a nightmare.

I thought for a time it might be some kind of panic attack, or even a sort of unconcious "self-hypnosis", but maybe it's a kind of sleep paralysis. I don't know. It doesn't happen often enough to really warrant visiting a doctor. But once a couple of years ago i got two attacks in one night - that was pretty horrible.


I've experienced sleep paralysis - it occurred at a time in my life which I'd rather forget. Even though what I experienced frightened me.. I'd like to think of it as a wake-up call (in a positive way), because during that time I was in a pretty bad state. Anyone who reads this is gonna think I'm mental or delusional or something.. but this is what happened.

I was really depressed during that time. I isolated myself from the rest of the world for nearly two years.. after a year, my parents pretty much gave up on me, I had no one to talk to.. no one that really cared anyway. High school had just ended the previous year and I fell short of getting the marks that I needed to get into uni. Nothing was going right in my life, I felt I was going nowhere and I had nothing to live for. I wasn't eating right (if at all), and when I did eat, it was at weird times - same with my sleeping habits. I would constantly think about ending my life.. wishing I could just go to sleep and never wake up. Of course, I never really attempted suicide or anything - didn't have the guts.

Then one night, I went to bed quite late (early morning) and I'm lying there on my back about to drift off to sleep.. when I open my eyes and to my left, I see this dark hooded figure there, faceless, cloaked in black - looking at me. I couldn't move and I started shivering slightly. I was so bloody scared, seriously, it was like death was standing right there. After a while.. which felt like forever, I was able to close my eyes. I never went back to sleep; I hid under the covers. Throughout the rest of the night, I was wide awake.. because I had a strong presence of something still standing there and watching me from the corner of the room - but I didn't dare look. I didn't get up until I was completely sure that it was morning. Even then.. I struggled to drag myself out of bed.

Like I said, the experience was frightening, but I think it was something that I needed.. if that makes any sense. After it happened, I started to get my life together and got myself out of that depressive state. Well, that was about five years ago now, haven't experienced anything similar since.. hopefully won't in future. But still remember it as if it happened yesterday.


Well-known member
yep, happens to me maybe three or four times a year. It's not cool, it's terrifying. I wake up, I open my eyes, but I can't move at all no matter how hard I try. I try to cry out, but my vocal chords don't work. I usually hallucinate that I hear a woman screaming outside my window. It lasts a minute or two and I can finally reach out and turn the light on. Then I usually lay there with the light on for an hour or more before I get the courage to go back to sleep.


Hmmm we all have SA an some of us ( Me) have this sleep paralysis problem also coincidence? i think not.



Well-known member
i have that sometimes too, and yeh its scary. But for some reason i find that i can always wiggle my toes, even when the rest of my body can't move. i'm not sure why. And i can go from my toes to wiggling the rest of my body.

And yes. This was before i watched Kill Bill


Yes, I've dealt with sleep paralysis on several occasions, and i can tell you that it's horrible to endure. The helplessness of it all is so incredibly overwhelming that it can feel like a fight for your life is taking place...The weight holding you down, not being able to move, the 'presence' of something, ugh.

Like I said, the experience was frightening, but I think it was something that I needed.. if that makes any sense. After it happened, I started to get my life together and got myself out of that depressive state.

That's good, glad to hear it. You make a good point about depressive/state of mind correlation too.


I have been dealing with sleep paralysis (or Shockmares as I call them) for the past 25 years and believe me it's no fun. I can't move and I have horrible nightmares along with the feeling that I'm either having a heart attack, being pounded on or held down by some kind of mysterious force that is a million times stronger than me. I fight to wake myself up but it's hard and usually takes a long time. When these attacks happen I really feel like I'm going to die and I'm always surprised and relieved when I wake up and realize I'm okay. They normally occur during the first fifteen minutes after I fall asleep or right before I should be waking up...though they do sometimes happen in the middle of the night. I've noticed that when I'm extremely exhausted from work that they are more likely to happen. I wish they would just stop forever.

Where is the off switch for this?


Well-known member
I have had some of these before, absolutely terrible to experience. Luckily not for a few years though. Very rarely, this can happen on a operating table, definition of living hell anyone?


I have it a few times a yeat and it's not cool, it's terrifying. It's always accompanioned with a very noisy sound, like an scream or something which scares the shit out of me even more


Active member
I get it whenever my sleep patterns are totally screwed up and/or my system is loaded down with caffeine... and I've learned my lesson! haven't had one in months :)


oh my god this happens to me too. the whole ordeal feels like your fighting to wake up. When it happens to me its usually during some kind of terrible nightmare. I think the loud sound i hear before i wake up is me screaming.


Ok their has to be a connection here i mean look at all the people who have SA an sleep paralysis that just cant be coincidence.

I havent had it in awhile though thank god, but yea it's crazy.

Back when i was living with my g/f she went out of town to visit her parents an i was alone in the bed.

Then it happen dude i felt like i was being attacked i started praying to god an it was a trip i felt like a demon was attacking me.