

Has anyone been dubbed with this character trait?

I don't sell drugs or creep around in dark places. I get called this a lot by the really outgoing people I know, but my friends never say anything like that. I'm sure I don't help, because I don't make a concerted effort to talk to these people, but the ones that are saying it are the ones that I don't like anyway. So why should I care? It sucks to find out that's how you're being described, though.


Active member
People call me that all of the time, and I usually get called "creepy" too. I just wish that the people who call me that knew how much damage it did. It makes it even harder to say something when you know that these people think you're sketchy or creepy.
I usually end up just avoiding these people so that I don't have to hear them anymore, so it doesn't bother me too much anymore...


Well-known member
social_failure said:
People call me that all of the time, and I usually get called "creepy" too. I just wish that the people who call me that knew how much damage it did. It makes it even harder to say something when you know that these people think you're sketchy or creepy.
I usually end up just avoiding these people so that I don't have to hear them anymore, so it doesn't bother me too much anymore...



Well-known member
I think I am dubbed weird or snobby more so than sketchy.

But, because of my quietness, I have a feeling that some people (especially at work) might think this about me.


New member
I think when I get really nervous I probably just act like I'm totally guilty of something bad. Not talking, not making eye contact, fidgeting, stuff like that.


Active member
Not exactly sketchy, but wierd... I hate it and don't understand why, why I am weird just because I don't talk as much as other people.


Yeah, people call me creepy and weird because I'm quiet. I can't speak to groups at once, only to one person at a time blocking everyone else while I do it. People consider that to make me creepy. And I'm weird because I'm quiet and don't respond unless spoken to directly.