Situational Social Phobia


I have found that my social anxiety can be very specific. For example, I can give speaches to large groups, tell jokes and interact with people in professional settings. I have to as a part of my job as a reporter. As a reporter, I can put on that "role" and behave at an acceptable level socially. But on a personall level, I have a tough time. Ocasionially I still get jittery in public, and I feel like people are judgeing me. But the worst onset of the phobia is when I am trying to talk to young women. I mean, I actually don't talk to attractive women, and people have asked me if I was gay, being very serious when they did. I'm not. But I get paniky when I try to ask a women out, or for her number, or just flirt. I started going to Therapy for this, and I've had to recognize that my anxiety is a little more broad in scope, but outside interactions with women, I can cope with the anxiety. Does anyone else have a specific trigger for SP like this?


Well-known member
I have really bad anxiety in every situation, even just walking up the coridor in school. But it feels like it get it gets 10 times worse when i try to talk to girls. I actually just avoid it but if they try to talk to me i turn bright red, stutter, and sometimes for a few seconds im lost for words......i see where your coming from.