Silly doubts about reality


New member

I'm new here, this is my first post, I will post my personal ocd-life-story later.

Has anyone else here experienced these kind of intrusive, unwanted and completely silly thoughts, in which you doubt the reality of things in the world? Hard to explain... when I had my absolutely worst period of OCD (I have had much help from medication) I was driving a car and heard the word "South America" from the radio, and I doubted if there is such a thing as South America! I knew that there is... but I still doubted it, it felt somehow so uncertain in my mind. Silly, to say the least.

The milder doubts - milder in the sense that they are not as crazy as the doubting of there being South America - have mostly been about my hobby that I have always been very passionate about; history (I have Asperger's Syndrome also). I may doubt about there really have been historical events or people that I've read about, even if they are on every book like Napoleon or the American Civil War.

Sometimes I might think about something and reach an obvious reasonable conclusion in my mind - and then I begin to doubt if my conclusion is right after all, if I'm too stupid to have reached the right one. And these are quite simple things, not things that are so complex that I'd have a sound reason to doubt my intellectual capabilities.

These obsessions always come with an anxiety, a pressing feeling on my chest.

So does anyone else have or has anyone else had these kind of obsessions or am I alone in the world with these?


Well-known member
OCD = the doubting disease as it has been know to be called. It's completley normal.

Your never alone I to have doubted reality.
I wont go into it but basically it's the same thing. It sucks but you push on, you find ways to deal with it...simple as that.