Signed up to hear opinions...


I'm a 20 year old male and I'd say around the age of 13 or 14 I realized something in my life had changed. I was never shy, nervous, or worried. In fact, I look back and envy my old self. I was popular, people liked me, I made friends easily, life was good. I went through a period of depression, but I'm over that and now I'm just left with the hell that is SP.

I started to lose confidence in myself I guess. I'm not really sure what happened but it seems to me like I woke up one day and I was different.

Now, I consider myself pretty intelligent and stubborn. So for the past 7ish years I've tried and tried to figure out what exactly is wrong with me and why. I feel that I understand a lot more now, but I definitely have many unanswered questions. So I'm here to get ideas from those who suffer the same way I do.. It's a VERY long post but I figured I'd just get all my thoughts out on one rather than several smaller ones.

-Does anybody else get a weird feeling inside their head like it's going to implode when their SP is at it's worst? (For me, when I talk to an attractive female in a face-to-face conversation) If so, does anybody know what that feeling is and what would happen if I allowed it to continue and worsen without escaping the situation?
-Does anybody have a problem with eye contact? I just cannot seem to keep eye contact with anyone for more than about 2 seconds if that. Very awkward when talking to someone and I have to look away while still talking...
-Does anyone else notice other people who seem to have the same exact problems as you but don't even realize it? I noticed that some of my friends avoid eye contact, act weird when they seem nervous, etc...
-Has anybody experimented with marijuana? I used to smoke occasionally because I noticed it would help my depression temporarily and made me feel perfect but I believe that repeated, chronic marijuana use may be the sole reason for my SP now. For example, I can chill with my roommates for days on end and never feel too awkward but once I smoke with them I can hardly even stand to be in the same house. Then for a day or two my SP is way worse.
-Does anybody feel like their SP completely contradicts their inner thoughts? I have the strongest urge to meet everyone I can and I truly feel like I can up until I try to then the feeling inside my head (mentioned above) makes me do otherwise.
-I read that someone else on here thought that if they fixed the things they are self-conscious about they could overcome their SP. Well, I would have to completely agree with that. I think if I were able to fix my slightly crooked teeth and my receding hairline that I'd gain the confidence I'd need to freely talk to just about anyone. I would no longer think to myself "Am I smiling wide enough for them to see my teeth?" or "Do they think I look like a freak with a 40 year-old hairline when I'm 20?" Anybody else agree?
-For those who suffer, would you compare the torture of SP to that of a life-threatening disease or even worse? I'd say SP is the SINGLE WORST thing I could ever wish upon anyone. To me, it's almost like living through hell daily.
-Anyone go to school for psychology in hopes to learn about their own problems? I feel like learning about my problems may have made them worse?
-Lastly, I don't think I have ever met a female who I thought to have SP. That may just be because of my own SP that makes me sometimes avoid certain females. So if you're a female I'd love to hear your side of the story.

For now, I'll post this. I know I have probably 100 more questions that I'll think of but for now I'd love to hear the responses to these...


Just thought of two more...

-Anybody notice that ur nervousness can spread like the plague? I was sitting in a room with some of my buddies the other day when some girls walked in. I became nervous when one of them talked to me (although inside I kept wondering why) and it seemed like everyone else in the room felt that. Soon enough, everyone dispersed and left me feeling like it was all my fault.

-Anybody respond well to benzos? I know I'm not shy because around people I am comfortable with, I talk more than I should and they'd all agree that I'm farrrrrrrrrr from shy. Now you might define shy strictly with meeting new people. Well when I take benzos, I feel like my anxiety is lifted. This allows me to finally be what I'd define as "me". The happy, outgoing, successful me. So why the hell am I unable to act like me without them?

-Well I guess I had three because my last one led to this one.. Does anyone think that their anxiety isn't "in their head" at all? I feel that mine is more "in my body" than "in my head." I'm perfectly fine with my thoughts until I feel that feeling in my head, my heart pounding, and my body perspiring. So I think that my "symptoms" are actually my "causes" and vice versa...


Well-known member
A lot of your questions are normal things for social phobics to experience.

And the body image issues are something some people feel a lot more than others. If you feel your teeth aren't looking too great, buy some whitening strips or if it bothers you that much, you can get financing for braces. Losing hair is a weird thing, my friend that's 19 has a bald aren't alone.


Yeah I guess I haven't really talked to anyone else with my problem so many of those questions might be no-brainers for you haha.

I actually talked with my dad today and we decided to get my teeth fixed and rogaine has been working wonders on my hair so just the thought of fixing these things makes me feel a lot better...