Shy guy - wants some friends


New member

My name is Paul, aged 20 living in the UK. I ended up getting Social Phobia around about my fifth year in HighSchool. Which has totaly changed my life I had alot of great friend who I used to hang with every night of the week, but this phobia has changed that.

The last time i saw any of my mates was over 3 years ago, because i aint left the fucking house. I started getting very shy infront of folks even my friends that i had known for over 10 years. None of my mates were ever shy, and they were always out meeting new people and going places, but i started avoiding that because of my phobia. Eventually i just stopped going out. And now here i am a few years later.

This was sort of writing in two parts.

I have a Social Phobia or Glossophobia, from speaking in public and online. My problem is, is that i feel i have nothing to say. I don't want to start conversations with anyone incase i don't know what to say.

I play on xbox live alot, with headphones and all, but i just can't talk.Even when people are taking the piss, i just can't say anything back.

I don't have many online friend, because of this. I know a few good people ive played with, but over time they relize that i dont talk much, then i start seeing less and less of them.

All i want, is to be able to talk to people without the worry of what im going to say next, and sound like.

I'd like to make some friend who are in some what of the same position. No matter how hard you find it to speak to people. Believe me it can't be any worse than me.

Ive got an xbox 360 which i play online 24/7 I play games like: call of duty 4, testdrive, football, boxing etc.. Mostly shooter and sports.

I also like programming, still a beginner tho, but i enjoy learning and reading programming books.

Anyone who wants to be friends just email me! -> Diesel_2k8 @
we can talk on msn and play on xbox live if you have one.

Like i said, i do have a phobia from speaking online so it might be a bit slow at the start.

If you have a Glossophobia maybe we can work together to beat this demon lol



Well-known member
Hi there,

I understand where you are comng from. I think it helps to talk to people who understand and have the same problems. It takes the pressure off because they know if you freeze up and don't speak that theres a reason and you are not weird or rude.

You prob don't want to be chatting to an older woman, married with kids but I'd be happy to chat to you and be friends if you do.


Active member
Hey dude,

I added you on MSN, I'm [email protected]. I also have xbox live but dont play often on it anymore but I do have call of duty 4. I seem to be in a very similar position to you so i hope we can talk or play sometime.


hey diesle your situation sounds a lot like mine. i have social phobia too and i havnt even had a friend for about 3 years! i play online games alot on my pc i play medal of honor allied assault, im on there all day :) i know what u mean about not knowing what to say , im probably just as bad at it as u describe. i wanted to join a clan but they use headsets so thats out of the question :cry: i will add u to msn :D
I understand where your coming from deisel. People would think its easy being able to talk to someone online because you can't see them or even on the phone. But it's maybe even harder co your not there to observe their body language. you start somethin up then it just withers and dies.


You sound articulate and intelligent, so it's a pity you're not more confident. In an ideal world you would be.

I encourage you take positive action now.. I'm quite a bit older than you but have only just discovered what Social Phobia is all about - wish I knew before. I went through a similar experience at your age, was shy but moderately outgoing, as time went on slowly retreated into my shell and became more and more isolated. Don't let this happen to you.

Ask your GP to be referred for CBT. Seriously.. just do it.. persevere with any treatment and don't let any set backs stop you.


New member
Bonus44 said:
You sound articulate and intelligent, so it's a pity you're not more confident. In an ideal world you would be.

I encourage you take positive action now.. I'm quite a bit older than you but have only just discovered what Social Phobia is all about - wish I knew before. I went through a similar experience at your age, was shy but moderately outgoing, as time went on slowly retreated into my shell and became more and more isolated. Don't let this happen to you.

Ask your GP to be referred for CBT. Seriously.. just do it.. persevere with any treatment and don't let any set backs stop you.

Yes i suggest it to you too .I hadnt know what is CBT until read a book named "Feeling book" . after learn it i read another books which is based CBT .All of books based CBT helped me a lot .I tried pshychiatrist ,hypnotherapist and psychologist but those never helped me :( . So you dont need to spent huge money for psychiatrist ....just start to read books which is based CBT . I can suggest "feeling good" written by D. burns .this book is for general anxiety disorders but it teach you CBT also you can find a book which is written only for social phobia ....sorry for bad english :) this is my first post after long time ....see u