shy girl trying to get to know extremely shy guy


New member
So, theres this guy in my class in school and some people in my class had been originally trying to hook us up but it wasn't working because we are both incredibly shy. they stopped trying and then the guy and i realized we both had something in common (play guitar). we had a party in class before christmas break and brought our guitars and we stayed after everyone else had left and jammed for a bit and this was basically the first time we talked for a long period of time. He invited me over to his house after the break to jam and i got his number but that was pointless as i doubt if i will get the courage to call. The stupid thing out of all of this is that we basically never talk, outside of that one afternoon. break is over now and today was our second day back and i have tried yesturday and today to start a conversation with him at our breaks outside (smokers) but he says a few words and then it gets quiet and weird and he goes back inside. he seems highly uninterested in talking and im starting to get highly confused and annoyed as i feel stupid trying to make conversation while he hardly says a word even though he gave out his number and had invited me over. Can anyone make sense of this?


Well-known member
im in almost exactly the same posistion!!

thers this guy at school who my friends know.. and i like him, and he likes me.. hes realllyyy shy and im shy too. and we talk SO much over msn, and he flirts shyly too and i do aswell. but when we get to school and see other its like hi *smiles* and thats all. .cos were to shy to approach eachother.. bcos hes with his friends.. and im with mine.

our friends have been tryin to get us together for a while.. but i need to get to know him before i do...


New member
Speaking as a man, the situation you describe makes a lot of sense. Given that men are expected to 'make the move' it takes a lot of effort for a shy man to approach a woman, and often - speaking from personal experience - they're afraid of signalling a romantic interest so any overture they make to a member of the opposite sex will appear as friendly, and no more. I think in this case your 'shy guy' felt that the fact you hadn't called him as a rejection, and as such feels slightly let down. I think he's indifferant to you now because he's come to the conclusion you aren't interested in him, and feels disappointed. All i can suggest is that you ask him if you could come over to his for a jam - or maybe if youre nervous about speaking to him write him a letter.


Well-known member
yeah i agree with ziger.
for this guy, who is shy and supposed to do the first move, its very hard to do that. try to understand him. i think he likes you but cant get up the courage to open up to you. give both of you time to open up a bit, dont try to force it