Uhh, not so fast. Some people are pretty close-minded to that sort of thing. Nevertheless, it might be worth a try. It may fail dismally, but at least you tried. You need to ask yourself whether or not you would benefit from their support. I mean, even financial help would be pretty important if you find yourself in a situation where you need to seek professional help or are unable to work. That said, SP is not well understood...most people who don't suffer from it themselves (and some who do) will just tell you to tough it out. "We've all got problems," they'll say. Yeah, except that I have an innate inability to cope with them...that's what it means to have a psychological disorder, duh! *ahem* Sorry, got a little carried away there. As cynical as this sounds, you may just need to play the situation to your advantage. I mean, if they have something you need, unless it's just emotional support, you may have to paint things in a not-so-accurate light. In other words, you may need to articulate the problems in terms they'll understand or accept...and they may find the likelihood or existence of SP a hard pill to swallow.