should i seek help?


well i am having trouble deciding weather i actually have depression or anxiety or anything and should i see a doctor! I am sad alot of the time. I dont really like to get close to people i like to just spend my time alone mostly i get nervous and unmotivated to hang out with any of my friends it becomes a big hassle and makes me sad that i have to hang with them. everytime i get a girlfriend i feel nausea all the time and can go days without eating anything and i feel tied all the time. seems like i just worry all the time about just like doing everyday tasks like school, work, hanging with friends, talking to people i don't know. i have a big fear about confrontations and showing my anger. i cant express myself alot of the time. it seems like i sleep my life away i can never get the right amount of sleep its either too little or too much. i have trouble going to sleep because of the worrying. i don't think this is how normal people are! should i see a doctor? basicly its a hassle just to get through the day. i have to worry about so many things i feel like im on the edge all the time. i dont wanna go to the doctor and have him say this is just a phase im going through because i dont think it is i have been going through this since puberty and it seems like it keeps getting worse. can someone please give me there opinion i would greatly appreciate it thank you.


My guess is you have anxiety (either general anxiety or social anxiety), though I'm not sure about the depression part. Since you said you don't know how to express yourself, and seem really frustrated and unable to figure out why, then, yes, you should probably see a psychologist.

I had general anxiety last year, but got much better this year largely due to just getting out there and on with life. I went on a tour to India for a month, it really opened my eyes and was such a culture shock and a big adventure! I went with a tour group of ten or so strangers from around the world, so inevitably socialized and grew comfortable and even fond of these people. When I got back I had an art exhibition with some of my friends, and that too meant I got chatting to strangers and old friends, and was really focused and productive with painting. I made a pact with someone that this was the "making it happen" year where we would pursue our ambitions and just DO stuff. Now my head is just buzzing with ambition and ideas (want to run my own business, have another exhibition, meet new people, yadda yadda), which I am determined to bring to fruition one way or another.

What I'm saying is, apart from seeing your doctor, another great and practical way of relaxing and being happier is to just do things that will get you participating more with life, such as volunteering in festivals or conventions, or meeting up with people from this website who may be able to relate to you and what you're feeling. Perhaps join a sports team, so you can run around on the turf, yell "SCORE!!!! woo yeah!" and feel like a kid again.

Hope that helps :)


Well-known member
Yeah. Something's wrong, and it's getting in the way of your life. Even if you don't like confrontations, if the doctor says it's a phase, ARGUE. And get a second opinion. I also guess it's either Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) or Social Anxiety Disorder (...SAD, how fitting) or a mix of both.