Shots of adrenalin


Well-known member
Do any of you get jolts of adrenalin shooting through your brain when you are in situations you fear?


Well-known member
Adrenaline Junkie,

Yup. Sometimes, I talk faster than I can think. My eyes will bug out and I'll talk all loud. It's embarrassing. It's like I'm boiling over with nervous energy. I can only sustain it for a little while though because I usally get tired after an hour or so. After the high, I'm burnt. I get upset. I don't want to talk to people. I can hardly follow their conversations. I feel tired.

So, Yes! I do get jolts once in a while...but they wear off and I'll come crashing down...and feel terrible.
Its not like jolts well sort of i suppose because i'm still at school when boys go up to me class sometimes I get it then and sometimes its like i dunno why andrelien (spelling!) is like racing because i'm not in a scary situration its kinda wired!

From Rosa
Some times I can be totally relaxed sat watching t.v then all of a sudden I become really anxious, I get a strange feeling in my stomach almost like excitement and a mixture of nervousness. Almost like I'm expecting something to happen but it never does. Its such a strange feeling to be having adrenalin attacks when your in a relaxed state not expecting anything to happen.. :oops: ..yet I have no idea why this happens to me. :roll:

C x