Shifting Anxiety


Well-known member
So, I have noticed that my social anxiety has lessened over the years, but I am having increasing anxiety in other areas of my life. For instance, with me working two jobs the past several years, I can't help but compare and contrast them. I have worked at the library for the past 3 years. Most of that time, I worked at a store that I ended up working at for 9 years (it closed about 7 months ago). I was more comfortable at the store, since I was there longer. Now, I have started a new job at another store. I am now much more comfortable at the library and the new job is causing a decent amount of stress. It's almost as though I can't be relaxed and comfortable in most aspects of my life--like, when I shed some discomfort, it is replaced with a new one.

Does anyone else feel this way?


Well-known member
That sounds normal. Your more anxious at your new jobs until you spend more time there and get use to it. New experiences will cause anxiety. Try and be more content with your life in the present. Don't worry about things that didn't occur yet.

I'm the same way. I can't seem to relax without worrying about something. Especially something new and different.