sexual abuse-childhood

Hello, I'm new to this whole blog thing. I have OCD, I've been dealing with it for quite some time, and althought I'm getting therapy for a few months now I feel like I won't be able to make a recovery unless I get help for another issue that still haunts me.

When I was little I was sexually abused, I have been hiding it since then, and now I'm in my 20's. The therapy has made me come to realise that maybe this wasn't my fault and maybe I can get help for it. When I try tackling my OCD the abuse keeps coming back to haunt me and I just hit a brick wall.

Anyone went through child abuse and have OCD? Did coming out about the abuse help your recovery? I don't want to expose myself if it won't help. I know OCD is more about the present and not looking into the past for "why"


Well-known member
No I think that makes sense.. OCD has a lot to do with trying to regin control if you had a chaotic childhood.. most the time when you have OCD you had a chaotic life growing up and had no control. I was sexually abused when I was 13.. so not really a small child. So I think it has some to do with it probably. Don't know if coming out will help with the OCD though.. but you should definitely talk to someone about it


Well-known member
I'ts a good question, something I've been thinking about for a while, but I've got no answers. I don't know if I'd be able to do it to be honest.
Thanks all, I'm having a really difficult time with all this, I wish I was still in denial with the OCD, and the abuse, its too much, I think its messing me up pretty bad, I'm feeling way worse off than I did before... I'm really scared about whats happening to me, it doesn't feel like recovery at all
Coming out helps! hearing your posts however small also helps! please don't be scared posting! I need all the help I can get! I appreciate it all!


Well-known member
I've kept this stuff deeply buried away at the back of my mind for twenty odd years. I persuaded myself that it had little effect on me and the way I am. Over the years I have built a massive wall around these memories to keep them inside away from me and anyone else. I've never told anyone and I don't think I ever could. I don't think I could live with family members knowing. Then I put up a wall to protect myself from people. I can't let people in, I want to but I just can't. It's like the gates are locked shut, I can talk to people through the gates at a safe distance but I can't let them in.

At the moment I couldn't face telling anyone, not even a doctor. The memories just bring up too much negative emotion. I can appreciate how hard it must be to talk to someone about it and how scary it must be to have to go back over what happened back then.