Severe Generalized HH. Questions about: Miradry? Avert? Secure Wipes? Xanax?


I'll try to make this quick. First, just found out about it yesterday - I think this forum is a really great thing.

27 y/o Caucasian male, have had severe generalized HH since 12 y/o. It starts and is most severe from armpits (axillary) and forehead/face (craniofacial), but eventually I sweat from literally everywhere. I've built some type of social anxiety about it, which exacerbates the condition. (I should note that the only medication I currently take is Propecia (finasteride).

Clinical strength anti-perspirant never worked. By the time I got to College, I had to do something about it. Got 2 vials of Botox spread between Forehead and Underarms. Works sufficiently, but because I sweat everywhere only helped for those areas and certainly not 100%.

Situation only got worse getting to law school. I was aware that ETS was available but knew the risks and that compensatory sweating was the likely result. So I did nothing about it because I didn't think I could do anything but continue to get Botox (which was already expensive as it is).

1. I'm looking into Miradry now for axillary (underarm) sweating. Does anyone have experience with that procedure?

2. Also, I have just ordered a trial version of Avert (2mg). I (like many others on here I'm sure) have literally been told by so many people that I sweat more than anyone they know. I'm "that guy". Examples: walking down street I will sweat easily from forehead and underarms, talking to someone in a public/social setting will start to sweat easily, even just sitting down if it's even room temperature I may sweat but it gets even worse when I get anxious (and that happens very very easily).

Does Avert dry up your skin? Would it affect things like acne (since it dries certain secretions)?

I will start with 2mg in the morning on empty stomach and take from there.

3. Secure Wipes - should I try in conjunction with Avert?

4. Has anyone who has HH possibly due to and/or because of social anxiety also ever tried Xanax?

All advice and counsel welcome.
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