SENSITIVITY and other stuff


Well-known member
I feel like a BIG part of the problem is how im overly sensitive about everything. Whether it's situations, what people say to me, how people drive, I feel like and I know i overreact.

OK takin this swim class at my local junior college and i went out and got goggles for this class...well after I put them on one day this guy goes "aha you look like a little nerd girl and like you have glasses on or somethin!" and the first time he said it I was just like "uhh oh yeah HAHA...fake laugh"

But he would say this like days in a row...and acted like it was still so funny. So one day I just stopped laughing and was like "yours look just as dumb..." or i said something. And he was like "you're a little sensitive arent you?"
- "NO im not just got a TAD less funny when you told me every day. Maybe you should find something else to talk about every day."

Ok so am i sensitive? To me this guy is just annoying, but thats how ive acted in other situations and people tell me im sensitive. I mean I KNOW i am, theres not really a question. But just how do you get LESS sensitive and just laugh things off?? It's not really natural for my personality...

ok if you know what im talkin about please respond! k thanks!


Well-known member
I an very sensitive to people's words. I know it and I try to not be because someone I trusted told me I was. In your situation with the goggles I can see that many people would be annoyed by the response of the guy. I would like to know what this guy's aim was. Was he just trying to joke around or is a jerk. Maybe having a ready response if a similar thing happens might work.
You asked how to be less sensitive? I have tried not to take things so personal. My sensitivity comes from thinking that anyones comments are true and that they show that I am wrong.
Like with the goggle guy he probably could not come up with anything funnier then a goggle joke. How hilarious. If this was a way to get to know you or be a funny guy then he was off . It would be his shortcoming not yours.


Well-known member
I agree I am easily offended, embarrased and pissed off. I get really annoyed with people I have to spend long periods of time with as well :twisted:

At least now I am aware I do it and try to keep it under control as best i can!


Well-known member
Thanks for yalls responses themouse thatroared and scatmantom!!!

Yall are's reallly just about how you react to certain situations, and its best to learn to under-react. Its just really hard I guess for people like us. I treat people the way I'd want them to treat me. And I guess sometimes i expect people to treat me a little too well, since I am sensitive to other people.

It's just weird because not being as sensitive is just going against whats natural for my personality.

But this is gonna be my month of better ment Ive decided! And starting with treating myself well, so in turn I treat others better too...I dunno we'll see how that goes.....