Self-help to get cured of social phobia --By Dr.Heixi


The method of self-help to get cured of social phobia ultimately ----By Dr.Heixi

Here are the articles on self-help method written by Dr.Heixi .This is some thoughts according to his experience ,just information for whoever with social phobia that are willing to do self-help to be recovered from SP. Dr.Heixi will spare the time to visit this forum ,to give timely replies .We hope it will do you some favor in your self-help process .And it’s for sure that any faithful suggestion are welcome if there is any qustion about my post .

The method of self-help to get cured of social phobia ultimately ----By Dr.Heixi :
Hey ,nice to meet you all .My name is Heixi.I would like to introduce the full truth about my recovery to you .It is sort of a self-help project by which I got released from social phobia of more than ten years .I hope this information will work out for people who are suffering from SP and clinging to self-help method .

part 1
Take this message :In fact neither the real symptoms of social phobia nor real so-called deviant things exist at all .Let me give you the explanation of this concept .
Consider a simple analogy .In the forest ,under the same case ,tigers and wolves would radiate great calmness and confidence .By contraries ,turtles and rats would show their being all of a tremble and nervous and anything like that .Please think it over carefully ,should we call them --–being all of a tremble and nervous and afraid of seeing into the others’ eyes---symptoms ?How could we judge it as deviant ?
Well then ,where on earth your problem are? How the devil is it ?


Patience !

Session 2
---------“We often distinguish things improperly. “

Since our childhood ,we have been educated that this is good and that is bad ,this is normal and that is ubnormal .Of course this should give no cause for criticism because we need someone to guide us to know this world little by little .But once this conception are misdirected ,there may cause problems.
Everyone has a inferiority complex .In a given occasion,to various certain extents ,people may feel nervous、embrassed、trembling、shy、red、sweating and may give a terrible speech in front of others .I believe there are many other things like them which make you feel strange .
Do yo know all these things are very normal and natural ?whereas they are normal ,if you are under the illusion that all these emotions are deviant syptoms then you will have social phobia seriously debeloped by degrees .


If you go on sitting silently, trying to control your thoughts, not allowing your emotions, not allowing any movement within you, slowly slowly it will become your habit. This is the greatest deception in the world you can give to yourself, because everything is exactly the same, nothing has changed, but it appears as if you have gone through a transformation.

Session 3
--------“Don’t try to rectify any so-called symptoms “

You might feel stammer, face turning red, embarrassed,shy,sweating,trembling,humiliated and so on .As for all of the symptoms of social phobia ,you will find it can’t be under your control at all .
The more you fear ,exclude and try to control them ,the severer they will become .

Actually, we absolutely shouldn’t try to control ,exclude or eliminate these so-called symptoms by all means.Since all the energy consumed by those methods simplely are the energy sources to keep alive the symptoms which will continue to wreak havoc throught our lives As long as you stop trying to rectify them ,they will diappear gradully just like ice melts away. You have only to cease eliminating them then you will get out of this thouble bit by bit .

In one word you will be released from Social Phobia one day when you are acclimatized to the symptoms .


Well-known member
Yeah if you contact him personally then it costs that much, I think you can just read what's on the site though there's loads of advice on there

I may be gullible but doesn't seem like he is trying to rip anyone off
How come spam gets a sticky post on the forum?

By the way most of these therapy ideas are included in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). However an ACT self-help workbook from (or your local Borders) costs less than $20. And you can "chat" with the inventors of ACT for free on the Yahoo! group called ACT_for_the_public.


Well-known member
Darkly13 said:
It's called spam.

Did you even bother to read it? there's no suggestion of paying money here, no advertisements, just self-help articles. On this thread and the other one.

In fact on the sticky thread 'Jacky' promises to give up her time to answer questions about the therapy, for free.

So no, it's not spam.


stardog said:
Darkly13 said:
It's called spam.

Did you even bother to read it? there's no suggestion of paying money here, no advertisements, just self-help articles. On this thread and the other one.

In fact on the sticky thread 'Jacky' promises to give up her time to answer questions about the therapy, for free.

So no, it's not spam.
Yes, I've read it here and on other web sites many times before.


Session 4
------Such ideologism is quite uncalled-for.

All symptoms are normal. It’s sure that it also happened to the people who are leading a nornal life .Whatever is , is right. Everything existing in this world is reasonable .Normal people are not so sensitive to it while sufferers of social phobia are overabsorbed in the symptoms .When this idologism is away ,the road leading to recovery appears below you.
As another professor said ,there is no social phobia at all .There is only too strict demands over yourself .After falling short of your demand ,the stuff called anxiety come .

I am sorry I didn't make clear something .Maybe because these posts are short they appears to be the likes of Ad.They are the extracts of each part of therapies.So we can just call it an outline .But they are all essential things .They are the principles we should observe along the therapy and the difficult part we should comprehend totally.
Train your thought patterns, everyday, and you will be rewarded with the fruits of life.


Session 5

With social phobia , anything around you may cause you to be in a panic .But you know what ,as mankind we should take our courage in both hands ,living on the up and up.Take off the mask and don’t be evasive .If you keep the ghost inside of you and dare not show the true yourself , foget the recovery things !Cuz in that case even one thousand years is not enough for you to get cured .

Do foster a sense of being fearless of everything . Nothing is a big deal even if you are all of a tremble with tension,or faint for many times.It’s not the end of the world .Just imagine if you are fareless to face the possibility that oneday the whole world had discovered that you are extremely humiliated , would you be afraid of such a bit of tension at this moment ?


Session 6
-----Let the nature take the course
The sufferers of social phobia must observe the law of nature .So what is nature ?Reality is just what we called nature.people should throw away their disguise and falsity.When you start to acknowledge and obey the nature ,you are getting closer to recovery.

Session 7
------To forgive yourself
The sufferers of social phobia have to acknowledge, affirm and forgive the real self .If someone hate himself and trying to abandon or kill himself ,his recovery is simplely out of question.
Forgive yourself ,and accept yourself is the only and most important way to change the situation of yourself .


-----To wean youself off wrong desire

The ideal image in the mind of sufferers of social phobia is always too perfect to connect with them in reality.With the tensed nerve they will spend their whole day on mirage .
Actually we all know that this kind of disguise will end up with failure.And the result on us is we will become extremely exhausted .So this kind of wrong desire is very deleterious .


Session 9

--------To return to nature

This is the only way for social phobia sufferers .As you do according to this rule bit by bit you will see it clearer. During the process with your heart being lead to peace the extra energy you impose on yourself will disappear gradually.It is unnecessary that we take actions for everything .We can take a analolgy to explain the inaction here.the turbid water can be settled and get clean by itself just after a while .The only thing you shouldn’t do is to keep stirling the turbid water .Now it’s only a matter of time .


Session 10

-----Mental counteractive

As for anything in your mind ,the more fiercely you exclude ,the closer you will achieve .The better situations you wanna possess ,the more unwanted bad thoughts will pop out.When you tense up , you only need face your tension and give up resisting .Let the terrible strain happen on you ,Cuz the method of eliminating it doesn’t exist in this world .Let it be there and it will fade away by itself .


Session 11

Stop the” therapy”! Do what you should do !
Whatever method you are ready to try ,for all symptoms it is impossible to eliminate them ,even if you were given extra life of 10000 years .So much I have said ,then it’s time to think what is the real important thing in your life ?


The latest update--main points of this self-help method

As sufferers of social phobia ,there is always an improper concern during the social activities they are being involved in ,such as talking with others .During this period normal people fix attetion on understanding the content of the talk or something like things they are supposed to do .But if you have social phobia ,you will be just concerned only with the slight change on yourself and even forget the major content of the talk .

Now we can see where the real question is really at .With the social phobia ,we always think of these things happening on us as abnormal .You may be puzzled on “why not the others but just me?”The truth is that all these changes and behaviors can’t be more normal .Everyone has them .It is just the matter of more for one and fewer for the other.If you are having social phobia ,you can understand what I am saying that how those small problem become a bit larger just because of overmuch self-attention paid onto you and repulsion against them .