Self-Help Book on How to be Cool / Socially accepted


New member
Hi All,

I'm doing some market research for a book that I've drafted. Have you ever wondered why some people are considered cool or cool to be around? Or what the heck defines 'cool'? Everyone has a natural desire to be liked and appreciated by others, particularly within their social network of friends.

The essence of the book is to highlight that there are universal social rules of engagement that all social groups adhere to and by focusing on real-life scenarios and anecdotes, the book will humorously and insightfully demonstrate how people can live a happier life by being aware of the rules and no longer having to be considered a fringe member of the groups they desire to be part of.

I'm interested to see whether you think people would find this book of interest? And if not why not?

(I must stress, I'm not trying to suggest that it's the fault of the people who are being bullied or considered 'uncool'. I genuinely think I can offer some social skill secrets that ALL people from ALL walks of life and ALL ages can benefit from).

I look forward to your feedback