Self-confident man looking back at overcoming shyness


Hi, I'm new to the forum.

I crawled out of social anxiety, shyness, and then shyness with women. It took a lot of time, mostly wasted, until the last few years of real change. I'm 35 years old now, been married, have a son, and recently broke up with a girlfriend, because it was time to move on.

Reading this forum so far has reminded me of how much I've gone through. If I were to reply to some of the posts I've read, a lot of people might not like my replies. When we're afraid, angry, frustrated, or in pain, we often resist the very answer we need, which is why it seems impossible or so difficult to overcome anxiety.

It makes me cry reading some of these posts, because I know what it feels like to feel so trapped, hopeless, victimized, exhausted, and without a hope for real love.

I hope I'll be welcomed by you, while I read to remember and understand the things I did to succeed. My general rule is to never give someone advice unless they are genuinely asking for it. Otherwise, when a person is talking about their suffering, they don't really want a solution yet. Sometimes, we need to take the time to just let ourselves feel hurt and frustrated. That's perfectly ok. It actually needs to happen. We deserve the time to cry, vent, and feel our emotions.

I have a website on this topic, but, frankly, after reading some of these posts, I'm not sure how useful it would be. There is a whole lot more which I could write, in much more detail that might be useful to some people. Your perspectives on it would absolutely be appreciated.

Thanks for reading and caring.


Well-known member
marinko said:
I have a website on this topic, but, frankly, after reading some of these posts, I'm not sure how useful it would be.

Then why tell us about it? Is it because you are selling something and trying to trick people into thinking you just came here out out of the kindness of your heart? Why don't you dazzle us with your brilliance here for free if you care so much?


Then why tell us about it? Is it because you are selling something and trying to trick people into thinking you just came here out out of the kindness of your heart? Why don't you dazzle us with your brilliance here for free if you care so much?

Thanks for your interest in more information. The url to the website is in my profile. There's nothing for sale on it, and I don't think it would help, anyway, because it talks about how I overcame shyness with women which was after I overcame general social anxiety, first.

As I continue browsing the forum and remember the things I did and went through to overcome basic social anxiety, I certainly may contribute to the forum. Having something useful to say, depends on how much you understand the other person, so, thanks for your comments.


Thanks a lot for sharing your story. It is very encouraging and interesting. I'll be sure to check out your website. Thanks for sharing. The only thing is that your site is mostly made for males, but I guess it can be of use to me even though I'm a female.


Hey marinko, I have been reading you site and you seem quite insightful to me. You've given me a lot to think about. Thanks for posting.


Well-known member
I think you have really good advice. I just wish that you'd make another site that is not all about getting women.