self concious about your voice [talking to others}


Well-known member
Do you ever find it difficult in talking to people? I notice myself im very self concious about my voice, people have said you talk very low and quiet.People have said i have a nice accent though, but i wish i wasnt so overcritical.


Well-known member
I cringe when I hear my own voice (in recordings for example). *blurgh!*

People always used to say they couldn't hear me, so I spoke a little louder. Problem solved. (I'd prefer to whisper everything but that'd just be silly).


Active member
I'm fairly inaudible most times, need to make a concious effort to be heard, drop back to inaudibility if even slightly distressed


Well-known member
Lately i´ve stumbled over words for some reason, specially talking to the girl i´m on. Also, i often have to repeat things over cuz i try to say things differently, using movie or games expressions for example.
I also dont like to hear my voice on recording. It´s too thin.


Well-known member
same with me...I remember having to do plays speeches...or just small talk with aquintences/friends..teachers managers...guys I liked ....and how I did not like hearing my voice . Speech class was painful to do .....we were supposed to do at least 3 speeches for the class and one of the last ones included a video that I could evaluate my errors...haha lol......I had one too many to list...they let me pass with a D..thats real bad...hearing my voice played back to me was embarrasing. or just hearing it now in conversations....I just recently had a problem talking over the radio/speaker phone...where u annonce to so and so they have a call on some line...that took somemonths for me to adjust to cause I did not like hearing my voice echo through the store....but Ive gotten the hang of more stuttering at least over the radio.


Well-known member
jenz said:
Speech class was painful to do .....we were supposed to do at least 3 speeches for the class and one of the last ones included a video that I could evaluate my errors...haha lol......I had one too many to list...they let me pass with a D..that real bad...hearing my voice played back to me was embarrasing.

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O I'm scared just thinking about it...reminds me of when my sports teacher filmed us dancing in our leotards in the middle of winter in a horrible stinky stark gym hall - that was uber embarrassing, but being screened and taped for speech errors?! Even worse!!

allanboy said:
Also, i often have to repeat things over cuz i try to say things differently, using movie or games expressions for example.

What do you mean, like you try and get the phrases totally correct and they come out a bit wonky? Well thats what I do anyway. :p


Well-known member
No, it´s that i try not to use common answers. I try to sound different than everybody else. Like... like... the malkavian in vampire bloodlines. Hmm, ever played that?


Well-known member
Must be a PC thing because I've never heard of it. :D

Being original with what you say is cool, but its such hard work.


Well-known member
I hate my voice... like when I hear myself on the answering machine... djaisdjiag.
People tell me I talk quiet, so like black_mamba I do talk louder :lol:

Although I hate yelling, extremely, I don't really know why, I just don't do it.


Well-known member

Oh yeah i have that game, good game, it was released a little early {some bugs}.But real nice game, great voice acting :)

What other games do you like? :)


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Being original with what you say is cool, but its such hard work.

Hard work is trying to talk normal. god...

oh, generals zero hour, battlefield(any), CS ocasionally, mmorpgs(free ones). I´m pretty open minded about games. Playing is one o my hobbies.


allanboy said:
black_mamba said:
Being original with what you say is cool, but its such hard work.

Hard work is trying to talk normal. god...

I understand your point, and i think trying to 'feel' normal so that you are able to be yourself is more difficult. Especially when you tell yourself repeatedly and remind yourself of the times when you might've sounded stupid.

I used to have people ripping me for my voice, i don't know why, it was just another thing people used to make fun of me for. I don't have a problem with my voice at the moment but i'm a quiet talker and i tend to mumble my words often (or just flat out get them confused). I partly put this down to the fact that i often feel people don't want to hear me talk, or that i'm not interesting enough, or that my views wouldn't count... even if i know it's all crap, it's still not easy getting it through my head!
I don't like my voice, too quiet. I hate it when I'm in cafes and the waitresses have to ask me to repeat what I said and stuff, ugh makes me so self conscious.


Well-known member
My voice always goes high pitched and thin when I first begin speaking and I have to make a concious effort to lower it. I am taking speech therepy lessons though and that is helping.


Well-known member
My voice is soft and sounds like I want to cry. Its BAD, people can tell that theres something wrong with me! :( .

You know, the thing that I hate the most is when people ask me to repeat myself and move the ear closer to me like im a baby, MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!!! :evil:


Well-known member
i hate my voice. not thats its soft or quiet, which it can be sometimes. its just an ugly sounding voice, and I find its very hard for people to understand me.
anyways i hate it.


Well-known member
I hate it when I'm in cafes and the waitresses have to ask me to repeat what I said and stuff, ugh makes me so self conscious.
I quit going to coffee shops because of that. to order a bottle of water or a cup of coffee, i have to say it three times or four. untill i found a self-service coffee shop. The person who invented the self-service is brilliant. He might was a social phobic! :lol: