selective mutism?


Well-known member
I had it as a child... as a teenager and early 20's I still had a difficult time speaking to people that I didn't feel 'socially safe' around. I suppose I worked my way from SM to Avoidant. I'm still not 100%, but I feel much more improved than what I used to.


Well-known member
I was going to post a subject on this. I think I did have this. In elementary school, I was mainly mute yet if you found me in the playground outside of school I'd talk/yell/laugh/open up.


Well-known member
I had selective mutism since I started Kindergarden and still have the symptoms in college. I was put in speech therapy (sp?) in the first grade thru the fifth grade. They taught me how to talk like a normal, well - adjusted child; but I don't use these skills in a school environment. Just too many bad memories I think. :?


Well-known member
shyandnumb said:
I had selective mutism since I started Kindergarden and still have the symptoms in college. I was put in speech therapy (sp?) in the first grade thru the fifth grade. They taught me how to talk like a normal, well - adjusted child; but I don't use these skills in a school environment. Just too many bad memories I think. :?

yeah same..i was put in speech therapy for a while but i guess they realized it wasn't going to work because i didn't actually have a speech impediment lol..i didn't speak in school at all..up until the last day of 12th grade..i think people were pretty disappointed.


Well-known member
frizboy said:
Pardon me if I'm being dense, but what is selective mutism exactly?

basically it's a type of social anxiety where you completely lose the ability to speak in certain situations (go mute) even when you really want to say something no words can come out. mostly it happens with kids who don't know how to cope with anxiety so they just don't they'll speak normally at home but won't say a word at school.


Well-known member
Ah. Well I suppose that quite adequately describes my current state of affairs, and my SA from the very beginning. Cheers!