Seeking written accounts of social anxiety for book


New member
my name's Jules, Im a Londoner who had (and to a lesser degree have) social anxiety for about six years. i treated it through Dr Richards' tape course, and through going to meetings with a small group who met weekly at the Royal Festival Hall (people like karl, mike, nick, giselle, angie...hello to them if theyre reading)

Im a writer and journalist, and have been working on a book about social anxiety and attitudes to it through history, as well as my own experience of it. Im looking to include some other people's experiences of the condition in the book, and wondered if anyone would be interested.

this is what im after -

- accounts of between 1000 and 4000 words of social anxiety, which would cover any one or more of the following things -
- how it started
- why you think it started
- how it manifests itself (what its like to think like an sa sufferer)
- what avoidance techniques uve tried
- how its effected your life
- what ways of dealing with it youve found useful.

the emphasis would be on us as individuals learning to take care of ourselves, and learning to face our condition with courage and dignity. that doesnt mean there wouldnt be room for darker or more pessimistic accounts, which are just as true.

i guess you'll have queries

- will your account be anonymously printed?
- thats up to you, id follow your wishes.

- how prominently will the accounts feature?
- im looking to gather maybe 15 accounts, and to use perhaps 1000 words from each, in a book of around 200 pages, so the main stuff is historical and cultural, but will also use personal accounts from me and you.

- will u get paid?
- no, but u will get to be part of a good book, and part of something that will reach a wide audience and hopefully help other sa people. it could also be helpful to any burgeoning writers out there to get something printed - in my experience, sa sufferers are often decent writers, because its a non-social pursuit in which they can assert themselves, so here would be a good chance to express yourself and your life experience.

- why should you write the book?
- its something ive long wanted to do and worked towards, and im a good writer, who writes for newspapers and magazines professionally, so i think the book would do your personal accounts justice.

email me if you have other queries - [email protected] - or pm me.

yours hopefully
