Seeing the doc


After suffering for years with SA I want to see my GP about it tomorrow.

Have any of you guys been to the docs about your SA? If so how did it go?

I really hope they can give me something or I'm going to go awol from my life!


I never went to my GP about my panic disorder, my parents forced me to go see a psychologist because I had refused to attend school because of my nearly constant state of panic there. That psychologist referred me to a psychiatrist because she thought I needed some medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. I still see the psychiatrist, who basically just asks me the same questions each month and writes prescriptions according to how they're working. I take propanolol, clonazepam and of course, the mother of all medicines, cannabis, to combat my panic disorder. Nothing can completely cure me, and I've accepted that, but I can at least do my best to battle the affliction without causing too much harm to my body (aka suicide, becoming an alcoholic/hard drug addict). Well I went a little too far with that but I hope it helps.



Well-known member
yeh i told mine & the main thing to remember is that they'll know what u have so dnt be afraid,make sure u tell them cus it will help

start with ur symptoms & examples of wen they happen & are most severe, tell them how bad it has become & how its holdin u back then let them diagnosis u, if they dnt say SP then drop the hint that u researched it & talked to people who have it to make sure its clear what u have
mine was really helpful but if their techniques dnt work then they can refer u to a specialist
good luck, u'll be fine :D